Hi Natalie, thanks. I can leave it as unknown since she is. I was originally using Newman because that's the only name I had for her, her married name, which is one of her names that somebody somewhere might recognize as great great granny of theirs. Unknown unknown is hard to match to anything.
If Newman-1256 would only last as her code name until we found out her maiden name, I do not know. I liked it because grandpa was 1255 and grandma was 1256. I guess it's pointless because, and I'm guessing, but once I find out her maiden name, that's going to be her codename, so if she's a Smith, then it will change to Smith-1,111,111 or something. Does anybody know?
And thanks again Natalie, I appreciate your efforts and time to inform me. This is really a lot of fun and for me, it's all about honoring my mom and dad, grandmas and grandpas, and all those whom they honored and loved, their grandpas/mas ad infinitum.
Best to you,