Jackson name study was inactive, is now active!

+8 votes
I don't see any activity on this https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Jackson_Name_Study created February 2018.  Can I edit and work on it without being accepted as a member of that Study?  I don't know what Tom Jackson's intentions or goals for the study might be; so I hesitate to do anything with it.

YEA!  As of March 4, 2019 THE JACKSON NAME STUDY IS REACTIVATED AND OPEN FOR USE!  COME JOIN US!  Many categories are already set up, but a lot more are still needed.  I'll help with that if you get a red banner and don't know what to do about it.  See [https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Jackson_Name_Study] for details.
WikiTree profile: Space:Jackson_Name_Study
in The Tree House by Janie Kimble G2G6 Mach 2 (28.6k points)
recategorized by Janie Kimble
Hi Janie, have you tried contacting the project leader? I see you have posted a message on the page yesterday.
Yes, I left that msg on the One-Name page on 7/15 and also sent a private email with the same msg.  I know folks can take awhile to see their messages; they may be on vacation, ill or whatever.  But was just wondering if I should attempt any edits or should I wait - considering nothing has been done since he requested the site in February. . . Just don't know if there is any policy in these situations.
I don't know of any policy for this, but as I understand it the general policy is that edits are always accepted and welcome on Wikitree. If it's something helpful that you feel adds to the page, I would say go for it!
What edits were you thinking of?

You only sent him a public message on 15 July, and today is only the 17th.  You need to leave him at least a week, preferably two.

Edits to person profiles are definitely welcome.  Edits to One Name Study pages need to be discussed first.  After all, a One Name Study is like a mini-project, with a leader, not just a person profile with a PM.  You wouldn't go into the PGM page, for example, and edit their page.
Yes, "Edits to One Name Study pages need to be discussed first."  That's why I asked the question.  Since there has been no activity on the Project since it was created in Feb, it appears abandoned.  But I'm newbie to WikiTree so maybe I'm missing something: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Jackson_Name_Study.  I'm beginning to add Jackson profiles and want them included in this Project.  But think I cannot do that until there is some framework/goals provided by the manager.  Or should I just start adding categories as I see fit?  Like maybe Jackson in Prince William, Virginia??
There's a category on the Name Study Page:

-where I can see several more active subprojects. You can explore these, perhaps start a sub for your own Jacksons? While you wait for a response.

Since you're new, I thought maybe you hadn't noticed the category.

1 Answer

+1 vote
You just have to give it more time.  You only wrote to the project leader on 15th.  It is now the 19th.  You need to wait until AT LEAST the 22nd.  And your query may just be the key to him getting interested in it again.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)

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