Sub Categories how to add? [closed]

+5 votes
Hello, I've located: and there is only one category London.

I would like to add another Category: Cardiff Blitz for the Civilian War Dead.  Instead I've done a for the hundreds of civilian casualties, including their relationships, cemeteries, etc.

So my question is how do we add Cardiff Blitz to the above category: The Blitz?
WikiTree profile: Space:Cardiff_Blitz
closed with the note: Answered
in WikiTree Help by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (67.3k points)
closed by Living Bowling

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

I've created the category for you.

by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Living Bowling
Thank you.
If you are certain there is no existing category for what you want, then you can create a new one by putting the name of the category you want to create on a profile that falls into the category, like so: [[Category: Joe Schmo]]. Then click on the red link it creates and put the proper main category at the top of the resulting page and save.
I've tried with cemeteries, but instead of being a sub of a main category it became just a category: eg. is shown within Cemeteries for Cardiff - Created by Maria.  When I tried to create a category within a category - got this:, so it isn't within the Cardiff Project, sub: Cemeteries. etc.

Whereas I didn't want to Create Cardiff Blitz and it appear on it's own and not in the Blitz as a sub category which is what you did and I wanted.  Thank you.
Except we generally don't use "The" in category names (there are very few exceptions.) I guess this could be one of those, but I'd have to do a little research.

+4 votes

Once you make the category that you want attached to the profile and make SURE you spelled it correctly, it will be red. When you click the red link it takes you to an edit page like this.

You want to put the immediate category you want above it in this edit box as a category link. Notice "World War II" wasn't put there as that is actually above "The Blitz". Each category you add becomes the immediate parent of the new one you created. Currently it is a subcategory of 4 parent categories.

by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (426k points)

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