M. Lohmeyer is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+6 votes
Matt has provided a wealth of information regarding a section of my family tree.  He has assisted numerous other people and recently broken down a brick wall using DNA tests on members of the family.  Well done.
WikiTree profile: Matt. Lohmeyer
in Appreciation by Ian Smyth G2G Crew (590 points)

4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Thank you Ian for recognizing a great member

Way to go M keep up your amazing work
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
selected by Shaun Doust
+3 votes
Well done Ian! You are a Star! Thank you for all your contributions on Wikitree and for all the help that you give to our members.
by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
+1 vote
Congrats, Matt!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+1 vote
Nice work, Matt!
by Amelia Utting G2G6 Pilot (214k points)

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