My Williams came from Cwmyoy in Monmouthshire, Wales, any connections?

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by
Unless there was only one Williams family in the area you will need to be more specific about the names and dates that interest you. I would also recommend that you do not log in with your full e-mail address as name since this can put you at risk from spam.
I wasn't aware, I am new to this page. Thanks for that. My great grandfather was Robert Williams, born 1833, Caernarvonshire, Wales. His father was William Owen Williams 1806 -1840. He died young and his widow Jane  Owens remarried and moved to USA. I believe a sibling of Robert emigrated there. William Owen Williams father was William E Williams. That's where my trail ends. I have a Morris John Williams, he married my great grandmothers sister Ellen. His father may be Moris Williams, I haven't got far with him. I suspect he emigrated to Aus, as he is somehow connected to my Willunga Williams. After Robert,s wife died, he moved and died later in Stawell, where Ellen Williams lived with husband Morris. I mainly use ancestry, I just happened on this site, Cheers, Sharon..

My Williams ancestors were:

Edward Williams, born c 1752, Monmouthshire, England, married Ann Price 20 SEP 1787 St Martins, Cwmyoy and lived at Cwmyoy at Rock Cottage. Edward died 9 DEC 1846, aged 88 years. Ann diedn on 22 DEC 1845  aged 84 years.

Their son Thomas Williams born c 1798, Cwmyoy, married Ann WIlliams 5 MAR 1832 at Cwmyoy. and had children:

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1 William Williams,  bap   24 AUG 1820  Hwrllwm, Cwmyoy, mother Anne Williams , single)

 2 Hannah Williams           bap   20 MAY 1832  Hwrllwm, Cwmyoy,            

  3 Amelia Williams            born   18 JUL 1833  Hwrllwm, Cwmyoy, Monmouthshire   

  4 James Williams            born            c 1837   Cwmyoy Parish

 My Great grandmother Amelia Williams, born 1833, married Joseph (Elijah) Williams in 1854 at Abergavenny  Registry and migrated to South Australia in 1860 per Schah Jehan.


Hello, I did not finish the message. I have looked at the Parish Registers  as I have access to the LDS Centre here in Griffith NSW, where up to September 2017, we hired films of the wanted Parish. Now most of these films have been digitised and so are available to see at an LDS Centre (Mormon) by anyone, whether a LDS member or not. I believe in seeing  the original Registers as they show more important information than any INDEX. I am hoping someone out there may be researching my same Williams lines. I understand that some of the family went to America. Mine came to South Australia  in 1860 and moved to NSW in 1868 and settled in Penrith NSW. I have been researching since 1981 and have helped many people in our Family History Society, so have considerable experience.

Thank you, Lyn Bfown

2 Answers

+2 votes

I had a quick look to see if your William Owen Williams might already be on here, but couldn’t find him. We have over 60000 Williams profiles on Wikitree. While you are waiting to see if someone answers your question about connections have a browse aound. Maybe you would like to become a member of Wikitree and help to develop profiles for your branches of the tree.

by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (698k points)
+2 votes

You may want to try this site for UK data.  FreeBMD - Birth-Marriage-Death   As it's home page says:

FreeBMD is an ongoing project, the aim of which is to transcribe the Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales, and to provide free Internet access to the transcribed records. It is a part of the Free UK Genealogy family, which also includes FreeCEN (Census data) and FreeREG (Parish Registers).

Williams is one of the most widely used surnames in the United States as well as the UK.  I have Williams family in my tree and it can be fun trying to track down who is who.

Good luck.

by LJ Russell G2G6 Pilot (229k points)

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