Are you a Direct descendant of a US President?

+7 votes

After many, many studies, we all know that most of us that have a European Ancestry are related to many of the US Presidents.   You know those relationships. 

Abraham Lincoln and Robin are third cousins four times removed

What we are looking for are DIRECT descendants of US Presidents or their, first cousins or grandchildren.   Any one out there?

Only post if you are Directly related, ie X times Grandson/Granddaughter, or 1st or 2nd cousins....

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
edited by Robin Lee
So you don't want my first cousin 7 times removed relationship to James Monroe, right? Because I'm only descended from his uncle. Do you maybe want to disregard first and second cousins and just find cases where the president is the ancestor or an uncle?
That is close enough....looking for first and second cousins!

7 Answers

+6 votes

Martha Garrett-5361 and Richard Nixon-22 are 8th cousins three times removed

Martha Garrett-5361 and Gerald Rudolph King-1042 are 9th cousins once removed

Martha Garrett-5361 and Harry Truman-3 are 9th cousins four times removed

Martha Garrett-5361 and John Kennedy-96 are 13th cousins once removed

Martha Garrett-5361 and Franklin Roosevelt-1 are 8th cousins twice removed

Martha Garrett-5361 and Herbert Hoover-328 are 11th cousins

Martha Garrett-5361 and Calvin Coolidge-13 are 8th cousins once removed

Martha Garrett-5361 and William Taft-21are 8th cousins three times removed

I will keep looking...

by Martha Garrett G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
Martha,   Please read the question....I am looking for direct descendants, not people who are related.
+7 votes
Not me. The closest would be President James Knox Polk, my 2nd cousin, but  no direct descendants.
by James Stratman G2G6 Pilot (107k points)
Second cousin is looking good at this point....
President James Knox Polk is through my McGill - Knox line from North Carolina. President Polk's grandfather, James Knox, would be my 7th great uncle.
+6 votes

President James Monroe is my first cousin 7 times removed. I'm descended from his uncle.

by Karen Lowe G2G6 Pilot (201k points)
+6 votes
2nd cousin to George Washington seven times removed.

5th Great Grand Nephew to Thomas Jefferson

2nd cousin to William H. Harrison six times removed

I'm also 6th, 7th, 8th, and 10th cousin to several former presidents
+5 votes

Zachary Taylor and Dallace are second cousins 7 times removed,

Both are related to James Taylorll. James is my 8th great grandfather. I know he isnt a President but I thought it was kinda cool.

by Dallace Moore G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
+3 votes

I have not been able to determine if the following is correct or just close:

According to one family history my 4th Great Grandmother, Martha McKinley was descended from the brother of William McKinley's Grandfather. This is included in the book by W. R. Sanders Genealogy of the Sanders, Alison, and Collateral Families of Sullivan and Washington Counties Tennessee. The book was self-published and printed in 1972, he had various early letters in his files and interviewed many of the older generation. (I do have a copy of the book and did personally know the author - my Grandmother's uncle)

If the cited relationship is true I think that puts me on the 2nd cousin 6x removed level. I believe there is a connection - but I'm not sure it is this close.

by Emily Holmberg G2G6 Pilot (166k points)
+3 votes
First cousin 9 times removed to George Washington through his mother's half-sister.
by Lisa Hazard G2G6 Pilot (271k points)

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