Looking for info on great grandfather

+2 votes
I'm looking for information about my great grandfather on my mothers side. My great grandmother (Virginia Mary (Arp) Swanson) went to her grave carrying this secret. All she said was he was an airman and was killed(WW1 maybe). Virginia married Charles Swanson, who adopted Virginia's daughter, Mable Swanson. Virginia and Charles had 7 other children.

No one alive in the family has any idea who Mable's real father was. There are rumors that it was incest or rape but no evidence for either (that I know of) has ever surfaced. Its a big family mystery. Hopefully someone could help me finally solve it.
WikiTree profile: Virginia Swanson
in Genealogy Help by Emily Green G2G1 (1.1k points)
edited by Emily Green

Is this Mable ?


      Name: Mable John
      Date of Birth: 23 Sep 1931
      Age: 0
      Gender: Female
      Tribe: Ojibwe (Ojibbeway)
      Reservation: Red Lake
      Agency: Red Lake
      State: Minnesota
      Last Census Number: 752
      Census Date: 1 To 31 Apr to Mar 1931 To 1932
      Neighbors: View others on page

      Source Citation

      Year: 1931 To 1932; Roll: M595_422; Line: 12; Agency: Red Lake

      Source Information

      Ancestry.com. U.S., Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007.

      I don't think so. I just found her obituary, it lists the birthplace as Warren, PA

      Updating the info on her profile

      1 Answer

      +5 votes
      The best thing to do is to have Mabel, if she's still alive, do a DNA test, and if she's not then DNA test one of her children.
      Mable already passed. So if I have my mother (Mable's daughter) take a DNA test, would it tell us who her father was? Or at the very least would it be able to tell if it was incest?
      Have your mom test and upload her DNA to Gedmatch. Then run the "Are my parents related?" tool which will check for what's known as 'runs of homozygosity' which will reveal any incest. Incest is the nightmare scenario in these cases, but from what I understand, it's uncommon.

      DNA and some sleuthing will uncover the real father in time

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