Why can't I sign the honor code???? I did the volunteer thing

+9 votes
in WikiTree Help by Living Davis G2G1 (1.2k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I added the tag GREETERS to this question to alert WikiTree's Greeters to the situation.
I have finished all the surname tags, volunteered, or at least I think I did, now what do I have to do to sign the honor code????

Nancy, You have not clicked the Volunteer Button on your Navigation Home Page. Your profile shows you have added Tags, but it should also have a Volunteer Badge on it. This tells the Greeters to confirm you as a Family Member. Once you have been confirmed, then you will be able to sign the Honor Code. Try to do the Volunteer button, if it does not work, send me a message and I'll take care of getting you confirmed.

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

Hi Nancy, I posted the below comment a short while ago on your profile.

You can not sign the Honor Code until you add your surname tags, tag comments and volunteer then you are confirmed a new member by a greeter.

The confirmation for WikiTree comes to you as an email, so you may need to check your inbox and spam folder. If you cannot find the email, a new confirmation email can be generated at E-mail confirmation problems.

 The other option is to Click here to go to your Home Page to finish adding tags, tag comments and volunteering by clicking the add tags and volunteer button at the bottom.

You can only work on your profile until you add tags, tag comments, volunteer and are confirmed a full member by a greeter.

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
TY David! You re a star.
You are welcome as always, Astrid! We miss you at the Greeters!

I just posted message to Greeters why I m still away. I miss you all too. I love WT. Wasn't able for last months  to do anything here. frown

I'm just hoping to have my life back again after taking care of the last parent for last 10 years and last year was ............. rough. For us, but probably harder for her. When our brain let us down.............. It is just so degrading and sad. 

Two weeks and I will be on the scedule again. 

Thank you David. You re just one of a kind. Thank you for having you as a (WT-)friend.


+7 votes
Thank you Ellen. I will see what I can do.

Hi Nancy! We will solve this together with one of the Greeters I am sure!
by Astrid Spaargaren G2G6 Pilot (298k points)

Welcome to WikiTree Nancy. I am sure one of the Greeters will contact you as I asked them to do please. 

Now if you like to become a Volunteer please check here. After you abided the Honor Code you need to be confirmed by a Greeter. 

As Greeters are also all volunteers it might take a little before you re confirmed. Hang on please! 

Ah. I see Greeter David already replied under my comment at your profile. The problem is you need to adjust your tags.

Please take a look at your profile and please follow David's suggestions.

Thank  you.

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