I went back to flesh out a stub of a profile I'd entered a year ago and was surprised to find that much of my biography and timeline had been removed. In their place were footnotes that referred a viewer to sites on
I have seen some G2G discussions about Wikitree preference to including links to free sites vs paid sites, but I cannot find anything in the Style Guide about encouraging including "real data" in Wikitree vs. "links to data" elsewhere.
I raise this issue because I have a perpetual worry about links that fail, especially for a site we hope to continue for at least an eon or two…. How many of you can find a live link from something you referenced 15 years ago - there aren't many. (I even worry about links to my own Wikitree Photos and Sources that are on a different page). I believe using a link to external data is a great addition, but perhaps only as a supplement down at the bottom of the Profile, at the end of "Sources" with the recommended "See also:" which is stated in the guides.
My understanding (hope) of Wikitree is that the data should be in the Profile page as much as possible.
* So, as an example, a timeline including an 1850 census record should include that census data, for example, Names, ages, birthplaces, all that good stuff
* Instead, this data was changed and now reads: "1850 [13]" (hyperlink 13)
* which then links you down the page to "Source: #1850 1850 United States Federal Census"
* which in turn links further down the page to a Reference Section:
Is this a recommended or supported Style for Wikitree? I can no longer make any sense out of the profile of which I am a manager. I have not re-edited the page, nor have I contacted the Change-maker - yet - so I have not referenced the specific profile here. Can someone point me to the place in the Style Guide that has guidelines for this topic, so that I may approach this diplomatically - and maybe educate myself as well.
Many thanks!