Expand the Family Anniversaries List

+4 votes
We maintain a website devoted to three PPP's.  Recently we have began adding my Family Anniversary List to our quarterly newsletter and when the update to the website is complete, it will be added there.  This is a small list.  What is the possibility of changing the system to create a family anniversary list for the descendants of any non-living profile?
in WikiTree Tech by Living Barnes G2G6 Mach 3 (35.0k points)
Are you saying that you want a list of every anniversary associated with all of the descendants of a particular profile?
Yes.  Our Foundation maintains a website (https://competitivestrategies.us/) Barnes-Oxford Genealogy and the History of the North Carolina Foothills.  We conduct research on Brinsley (Barnes-1145), Solomon Barnes (Barnes-368), John Oxford (Oxford-205) and their descendants.  We have 5,000 visitors annually and they return at the rate of 3.8 times per year.  We would like to place the anniversaries of the descendants of all three individuals from Wikitree.  If this becomes available as an option on Wikitree we will note that the information has been prepared by many individuals and when accessing links, they should be reviewed to check the sources.  Later this year, we will begin building our own database/tree of descendants from those three Wikitree PPP's but it will highly-sourced prior to adding information when possible and annotated when they are not available.
Okay.  I suppose I would just do it myself--copy the current list into a spreadsheet, then sort it however I want.
With this solution, the full list is not available using any of the options under the Family Tree and Tools tab nor are all of the anniversary events.  I am unaware of any way of obtaining the limited list that is available and see no way to capture the data without a lot of messy copy and paste to the clipboard and then to the spreadsheet.  The problem is compounded as new profiles are added to the list.
You can get anniversaries by month by clicking on that tab.  Then you can copy them to a spreadsheet, and manipulate them to your heart's content.  Nevertheless, I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask for a new feature.
Your suggestion only applies to anniversaries on your individual Watchlist see Chris Whitten's announcement of the program at:  

https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/122858/did-you-see-the-new-anniversaries-feature.  There have NO amendments to that feature that was announced on 22 Jan 2015.  I am asking for this capability for ALL descendants of three immigrants.  Only a VERY small number of these profiles appear on my Watchlist.  You could go to the Family List and capture to the clipboard.  It does not include marriage dates and the special characters in the list will complicate editing in a spreadsheet.  I will make no further comments concerning this issue.

1 Answer

+1 vote
When you go to your Family List and there are lots of people named there, check out the little icons the right of each person's name.  They will produce family lists for each person and descendant lists, among others.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
That is not what I want.  I want to take profile # ???? and produce a list in anniversary date order the event for each of his descendants.

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