Certainly, there are plenty of matches showing up at GD 4-7 @Y67. A few of my Beasley tests (particularly the ones not matching other Beasleys) are constantly getting hits like that. As a practical matter, though, matches are rather meaningless in the absence of documentary evidence establishing some kind of proximity in a reasonable time frame. I put the greatest value on Y67. Y111 is nice but can only be compared with Y67 or less unless you get a lot of tests going at Y111. Most of the results I can work with are GD 0-3 @Y67. I have NEVER found 2 Beasleys with a Genetic distance of 5 or more... rarely at 4. In my project, these matches are ALWAYS mismatched surnames and as such offering no clues as to where the link might be. There has been one occasion where I have been able to discover the actual connection between two men with different surnames, Beasley and PItts (GD2@Y67). In that case, the common ancestor was born in the mid-1600's and we had clear evidence that the two families were closely associated. In several other cases, I have seen two surnames that seem like they might connect (at GD3 or better) but it would take a lot of research time to maybe figure it out. My project is too big to focus my energies on that. Anything further than GD3 @Y67 is, to me, remote.
OTOH, there is one other factor to consider when looking at the Genetic Distance that may shrink a GD4, for example. That's to consider the Modal profile. When you have a greater number of matching YDNA tests, you will begin to see that, for each allele, there is one value that is most common. The modal profile is the collection of all the most common values. Therefore, it is possible that two men of GD4, might each be GD2 from the modal. But, you can't know that until you collect a number of matching tests. In the case of the Beasley project, we have some men who are GD3-4, but they are all GD2 from the modal. In the case of the Beasley/Pitts match, each man is GD2 from one another, but GD1 from the modal. That means that each of the four men tested had only 1 mutation since the 1600's.
The bottom line of what I'm saying is that your time would be better spent trying to recruit other Ferraccis for the Y test. A whole lot of pages of GD 4-7 matches are hardly worth the effort IMHO.