Triplet trifecta needs a nimble merging mind and mine's not it. [closed]

+15 votes

This profile and a few upstream need an expert mergers touch. I added a message on the profile page noted, but in working through some of the connections, I think I see why some might have abandoned all hope.

Yet, I persisted. So here's the rest of the story:

Hardy-1381 (Katherine Hardy 1670-1719)
Hardy-1368 (Katherine Hardy 1670-1719) appears to have some incorrect parentage, as Charity [who also has a duplicate] would not be able to conceive at the age she was in order for her and "John Hardy I" to be the parents of the "real" Katherine Hardy. Thus, it appears that these additional duplicates will resolve the issues when it is reconciled, but first, Katherine Hardy - Hardy-1381 assigned correctly as daughter of John Noble Worthing Hardy (1638-1697), needs to be married to her proper husband in the sequence of merges that makes the best sense, given all of the interspersed duplicates.

Does that make sense? 

Please see the note on the referring page that I left that justifies the additional tags.

Fann Fann 

WikiTree profile: John Stansall
closed with the note: Resolved
in Genealogy Help by Porter Fann G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
closed by Porter Fann

That's too tall a task for me to tackle, but your title totally tickled me!  laugh

You need an "m" word instead of nimble to complete the 3 "m"s - how about masterful merging mind?
well worded, wonderful wiki writer
I added the arborists tag to your question as they work with complex merge situations.
ta! ;)
M & Ns can form a soft alliteration. Thanks for the notice, though.
Good to know. Hadn't thought about that tag. Thanks.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer

The issue has been resolved with Hardy-1381 merged into Hardy-1368 (incl. previous merger of Hardy-4006), and parent and husband relationships correctly resolved prior to the merger.

A previous thread on this issue had been answered incorrectly.

A great round of applause to all involved!!!

by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
selected by Porter Fann

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