Need birth certificate [closed]

+5 votes
I am looking for the birth certificate for maximilian. Census data confirms relations. Need to confirm parents.
WikiTree profile: Maximilian Grenier
closed with the note: Found document
in Genealogy Help by Joseph Lastowski G2G3 (3.4k points)
closed by Joseph Lastowski

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

It looks like his mother's name was Giard, not Girard.

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by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Joseph Lastowski

This record gives his date of birth. It is on the next image. Disregard the Ireland birthplace for parents, the image shows Canada.

Maxmillian Granier

Rhode Island State Census, 1905

Name Maxmillian Granier
Event Place Providence, Ward 007, E.D. 0077, Providence, Rhode Island
Age 72
Gender Male
Race White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original) Father-In-Law
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 08 May 1833
Birthplace Canada
Father's Birthplace Ireland
Mother's Birthplace Ireland
Relationship to Head of Household Father-In-Law
Entry Number 8

Citing this Record

"Rhode Island State Census, 1905," database with images, FamilySearch( : 11 March 2018), Maxmillian Granier, ; State Archives, Providence; FHL microfilm 2,108,728.


View the original document. The original may contain more information than was indexed.

Rhode Island State Census, 1905

I believe this is them with a really bad transcription by the census taker due to misinterpretation of French names.

The one listed as Otoan is probably Anthony ( a mishearing/mistranscription of Antoine).

Maximilian Granier

 in the Rhode Island, State Censuses, 1865-1935

ViewRhode Island, State Censuses, 1865-1935

    Name: Maximilian Granier
    Birth Date: abt 1834
    Birth Place: Canada
    Gender: Male
    Age: 41
    Marital Status: Married
    Relationship: Head
    Enumeration Year: 1875
    Township: Smithfield
    County: Providence
    Enumeration District or Census Tract: 2
    Line Number: 18
    Household number: 32
    Volume Number: 20
    Page Number: 45
    Household Members:
    Name Age
    Maximilian Granier 41
    Celina Granier 37
    Joseph Granier 18
    Delia Granier 17
    Manuel Granier 16
    John Granier 16
    Amelia Granier 14
    Samma Granier 10
    Rosanna Granier 3
    Otoan Granier 2
    Marion Granier 4/12

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    "Samma" would appear to be Samuel Pierre (aka Peter), the informant on Maximillian's death record.

    Here is Maximillian living with his daughter's family (Rosanna in the above 1875 Census record) in 1910.

    Max Grenier

    United States Census, 1910

    Name Max Grenier
    Event Type Census
    Event Date 1910
    Event Place Providence Ward 7, Providence, Rhode Island, United States
    Gender Male
    Age 77
    Marital Status Widowed
    Race White
    Race (Original) White
    Relationship to Head of Household Father-in-law
    Relationship to Head of Household (Original) Father-in-law
    Birth Year (Estimated) 1833
    Birthplace Canada
    Immigration Year 1870
    Father's Birthplace Canada
    Mother's Birthplace Canada
    Sheet Letter A
    Sheet Number 14






    Charles J Dube Head M 37 Massachusetts
    Rose E Dube Wife F 38 Massachusetts
    Rose E Dube Daughter F 15 Rhode Island
    Anna Z Dube Daughter F 18 Rhode Island
    Ida M Dube F 10 Rhode Island
    Alfred J Dube M 7 Rhode Island
    Blanche L Dube F 5 Rhode Island
    Richard L Dube M 2 Rhode Island
    Max Grenier Father-in-law M 77 Canada

    Citing this Record

    "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch( : accessed 25 July 2018), Max Grenier in household of Charles J Dube, Providence Ward 7, Providence, Rhode Island, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 224, sheet 14A, family 237, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1444; FHL microfilm 1,375,457.


    View the original document. The original may contain more information than was indexed.

    United States Census, 1910

    Awesome. Last name Giard makes more sense. I can't read these documents. I had issue with the Irland info.
    +4 votes

    I was looking at the information you have on Max's profile. I'm having trouble following the names that you've got on it.

    On his profile, you mention an 1880 census, which I assume is this one. This record lacks a son named Anthony, who according to the profile created for Anthony Grenier was born in 1873, so he should be in the census. There is an Albert in this census, but I'm unsure if they're one in the same - there's no evidence one way or another as of this moment, but if they are indeed one in the same, you should indicate such on Anthony's profile.

    Next is his parents. While his presumed death record matches in terms of the year born (1833), his wife's name is given as Marie Desfries - is this an inaccurate transcription of a French name, or someone else altogether? Additionally, the mother on this record is given as Flovie, which is not a name I see listed on the profile you've created for Max or his presumed mother's profile.

    Either way, a source for Max you should include is his Petition for Naturalization Index Card.

    As for getting his birth certificate, your best bet is probably to get a copy of the baptismal certificate. I found an image on Ancestry that a user put up of his baptism. Baptism at Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec; baptismal record 114; it's in the Drouin Collection on Ancestry, which you'll need an account to see.

    To get a copy of his birth certificate, you'll need to look through the resources available on the Canadian government's website. His birth date is before 1900, so it will be a copy and/or transcribed record of his baptism.

    Please make sure to add sources to the profiles you're working on, preferably from free resources like FamilySearch, so everyone who finds the profiles you make at a later date can follow along!

    by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (131k points)

    The posted document on line 71 shows Maximilian and Zenaid along with the Anthony's wife's parents . This document  References two generations of my mothers grandparents

    The 1900 census shows Anthony at age 27  is it possible to have multiple Maximilians born the same year?

    I have come across this birth record, but the absence of the parents made me question it.
    I don't recognise the death record. I don't think that has anything t do with Max.
    Then perhaps the "Albert" in 1880 is miswritten? It would be an important thing to put in Anthony's profile, along with the 1880 census itself.

    As for the death record, where are you getting the 1911 death and place from on his profile, then? This is an example of why sourcing is so very important!

    I need to verify the death. The entire point of me posting this question is to verify what my cousins posted on Ancestry. I have multiple trees saying the same thing. The information is in french so I'm at a loss. My correspondence between them can take days to answer one question. 

    I have exhausted my search and decided  to ask here, because I know the importance of documentation. 

    no such thing as a ''birth certificate'' in this era, we have baptisms for the Catholics, entered data on the profiles already.
    +5 votes
    Hi Joe, found his baptism and marriage, entered pertinent data with source on profiles for both him and his wife, correcting place names to reflect era.  My source is with membership, (Drouin Institute) but I'm sure with the data entered you can find more if you wish to.
    by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (768k points)

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