Brick Wall Trying to find a marriage for Isabella Veitch and John Scougall

+3 votes

Hi I need help finding a marriage.  For I have found cenus for Isabella Veitch born 24 09 1864  Traquair, Peeblesshire Died  05 10 1933  Peebles, Scottish Borders, Scotland Her parents are Robert Veitch 1830-1900 Mother Mary Calder Veitch 1836.Isabella s husband is John Scougall Born 3 MAY 1868  Peebles, Peeblesshire Died  10 MARCH 1907 John s parents are George Scougall 1833-1887 Mother Agnes Kay Scougall 1843-1909.  John and Isabella are my great great grandparents on my mothers side.  I am pretty certian of the dates etc.  But I was on Ancestry and came across a tree for the same Isabella when one compares census records.  But the other tree has her marrying someone else which makes no sense to my point of view.  For one of Isabella and John s sons has a war memorial in Peebleshire Scotland and that is partly how I have connected the family as well besides a second cousin giving me some of this information.  Any help would be great.  Thanks

Colette Van Gilder

in Genealogy Help by Colette Van Gilder G2G Crew (480 points)
Could you reformat this so it's a bit easier to read, or someone else who pops by? Alternatively, putting their profiles on WikiTree so I have another way to look at them? I can't really follow it very well as it's currently laid out in your paragraph and was looking to help.
I can not put on wikkitree yet as I am still a guest sorry.

2 Answers

+4 votes

John Scougall married Isabella Veitch in Peebles in 1890. The record is on Scotlandspeople. You can view their index for free, but will need to buy credits if you want to view the image of the record. I recommend that you make the investment to see the image as that should give you the names of their parents.

by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (689k points)
+1 vote

Hi I know the Veitch family hard to find documentation on. One James Miller Veitch married Betty Robson I can find very little on her he’s Famous. I almost surges yours connect to this. 

Betty (Robson) Veitch (abt. 1775 - abt. 1832)

by Billie Keaffaber G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)

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