I am against any foreign changes in my tree and my data. My input is correct and complete as far as I know it.

+2 votes
in Policy and Style by Walter Knaflič G2G Rookie (220 points)
Then you have come to the wrong place.  You signed the Honor Code agreeing to share your information and collaborate with other members.  Part of the agreement is that other members may provide additional, revised, or corrected information to profiles you manage. You may be called upon to defend your information from time to time.  If your profiles are perfect, you have no cause for concern.  That's the nature of WikiTree, and it's what you agreed to.

And welcome to G2G!

3 Answers

+23 votes
Best answer

Hi Walter, There is no such thing as "my tree and my data" on Wikitree. This is a collaborative website with only one profile per person.  We are a community that works together to get the best possible tree. See About Wikitree. If you don't want to collaborate, that is fine, but then Wikitree isn't for you.

by Vic Watt G2G6 Pilot (373k points)
selected by Steven Harris
+18 votes

Walter, welcome to G2G.

WikiTree is a collaborative community. Our mission is to grow an accurate single family tree that connects us all and is freely available to us all.

According to our Honor Code, we collaborate, we care about accuracy and we cite sources.

Sources are the keystone to resolve conflicting information.

Congratulations for being so careful about the accuracy of the data you are adding to WikiTree.

by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (859k points)
+20 votes
Walter, I see that several of your profiles are fairly thin with respect to sourcing. Just stating «Church directory» tells us nothing about which information you found or where you found it. I would suggest that you add some more solid sources to your profiles. This will make it less likely that others will question or change your input. However, you do need to recognise that for many of these ancestors you will not be the sole descendant. Other family members have just as much right to improve their profiles as you do.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (696k points)

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