Famous Living People, how can we let others know what is on the profile?

+19 votes
I regularly get trusted list requests from people for living US Presidents because the person wants to look at the profile and make sure we have all the sources they have.   My thought is, what difference does it make....no one can see the updates, either.

Here is my thought, is there someway we could share the information we do have for a "notable" here on G2G, just to let people see what we have.   Also, to help with the questions that are presented about those people.

Or do we just "face the music" and say, we no longer keep up with living people's profiles?
in Policy and Style by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
The correct answer is, "Profile?  What profile?"

6 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer
I like Herbert's answer :D

Seriously though, I think that the Presidents Project and the Notables Project have no choice but to say we're not working on living people right now. If current WikiTree privacy guidelines require the profiles of living people who have not joined WikiTree to be unlisted, then adding people to the trusted list defeats those privacy guidelines.

So I'm with Herbert: "Profile? What Profile?"
by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (674k points)
selected by Shirley Gilbert
Thanks Liz, I still get people asking to be added to the trusted list of various members of the current British Royal family and I hadn't thought about the privacy implications.

I'm with everyone else that it's better to say that we not working on profiles for living people right now.
Thanks, Liz!  That's exactly what I meant to say!

GDPR means we can't let others know what is on the profile.
+13 votes
I think we have to "face the music and dance." I try to keep up with my living profiles when I have new information to add, but it's going to be awhle before some of them are opened, so I don't feel a pressing need. But nobody is asking me to add them to trusted lists and my unlisteds are mostly not notables.

Unless they were close relatives, I'd default to the privacy setting as my reason not to allow it. Presidents have a lot of information available publicly, so it's a pretty safe bet that the Project has covered the bases.
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+13 votes
Can you direct them to Wikipedia with the explanation that living Presidents profiles are not continually updated?

Or could you make a Free Space page for each that just has links to sources?
by Susan McNamee G2G6 Mach 8 (84.7k points)
+10 votes


There are many many more living celebs on geni. cool

by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (722k points)
+7 votes
Just a random thought ... some projects have profiles and folks in that project belong to that profile as well.  So, I think, if the relative project would have a profile and add that profile to the trusted list as a manager, then, at least folks in that project could see those profiles.  Not sure about all the ins and outs about creating such a project and then adding members ???

For example, the Grosse Ile project has a profile ... look at: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Reddy-127 where I'm a manager and so is the project ... and I get notified about other profiles in that project, merges, etc.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+8 votes

I was going to suggest a free space profile but I see that has already been raised, so instead I'll say that prior to the law change I made a profile noting my connections here. Not that I paid much attention to it anyway but then I'm not an American 

by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (254k points)

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