How do I contact the profile manager to request being added as a trusted member?

+4 votes
in WikiTree Help by Charles Strange G2G Rookie (290 points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
Hi Charles, When you go to their profile, first line of the smaller print says profile manager (in the yellowy coloured lines) Next to this it says send message, this will be a private message.

Or you can send a trusted list request. Click on the privacy icon on the profile you want access to (one of the green squares at the top). Scroll down and you will see 'join this list' where you find the link to request trusted status.

Hope that helps :-)
by Lizzie Griffiths G2G6 Pilot (134k points)
selected by Dorothy Barry
The single best way to ask to join a trusted list for a profile is to use one of the links on that profile that says "request to join the Trusted List" -- either the link on the right-hand side of the profile or the one under the Privacy tab.  As the link on the Privacy tab explains, after you fill out the request form (including a note explaining why you are making the request), an e-mail will be sent to the Profile Manager(s) and you will be informed if you are approved.

Not only is this just a single step for you, but approving requires just one click from the profile manager. That's a good thing, since some members have difficulty figuring out how to enter another member's email on the Privacy page in order to give them Trusted List access.

One caveat: When you make a Trusted List request, you don't get a copy of the form you sent, so you might want to save your text somewhere for future use.

And note that the "Requests" item under the My WikiTree tab will show you a list of your recent Trusted List requests and their status.
+8 votes

Click on the profile manager's email logo that is on the profile your interested in. It would have their name and then this:   Find Relationship private message [send private message]  

Note:  Example only.... that would be my profile so you would have to go to the actual profile and then click on. 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Lizzie gave you the best answer with the idea of going to the Privacy tab and scroll down to "join this list""!!!!
Thank you Dorothy, that means a lot from an Astronaut! I'm trying to learn and help at the same time, that's why I love G2G :-) some things I know, others send me hunting through wikitree to try & help :-)

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