Is the DNA information that Wikitree obtains protected?

+2 votes
in Policy and Style by
retagged by Lynda Crackett
The only DNA information Wikitree has is what you post, which generally is what tests you have taken and with which company.  It’s not the actual test results like you see on Gedmatch.
Thank you! That's what i wanted to know. So all the "matches" on wikitree - other than the actual DNA matches, are speculation.
Not speculation but the most likely genetic relations

I beleive the DNA details is propagated up 5 generations back and out to 3rd cousins.
There’s a difference between the people Wikitree suggests might match you and people who are confirmed with DNA.  If they are confirmed that should mean that someone compared the actual DNA data and got a match sufficient to show a relationship.
Yes, thank you. I understand now. I saw myself listed as a likely DNA match on some ancestors and was at first thinking that Wikitree was saying it was “so”. But i see now that it is just guessing.
For wikitree it also is based on surnames the testers have listed. The surnames I have listed include my Mom and Dads sides, but for my Mom's test, she doesn't pop up if she doesn't have that surname.

In one instance I was contacted by someone who shows as a 2-4 cousin match at FT and he didn't have many surnames listed. But when he looked at my wikitree he saw the close connection shared with my Martin line. It was a shared line neither of us were aware of. Small world!
That's interesting, Sherrie!
But it makes me realize that it's all based on the info users provide, which could be correct or incorrect.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Please provide an example of information and an example of how it could be protected.

Thank you.
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (746k points)
Thanks Peter. Kathryn answered my question - which may have seemed vague. But it was just uninformed.
Hello Cindy,

Please let me know what you mean by protected?

Thanks and sincerely,
It’s a moot point now, thanks.

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