Thanks, I am more prepared to handle this now.

+5 votes
Thanks for the kind answer and links and patience with my concern.
in The Tree House by Tamara Flora G2G6 (9.0k points)
recategorized by Anthony McCabe
I'm a little late, but I'm glad you've discovered how helpful and supportive this community is! I don't even feel stupid asking what turn out to be the most obvious questions (well, not too stupid anyway, lol!) :)

laugh Yes, I am so glad Im here! TY

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

Hi Tamara.  I understand the frustration.  What you're describing doesn't sound very much like "collaboration" as I understand the word.  And there have been other discussions in G2G suggesting that editors ought to back off for a while when it's clear that a profile is actively being worked on.  So I agree with Tannis that you should try contacting the other member.  You could point out this page in the Help file for starters:

And then, if you don't get satisfaction, you may need to become familiar with this page:

Good luck.

by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (605k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard

Thanks for the encouragement. I dont want to alienate this potential cousin. Just having you listen helped me!

So, Im going to have to address it -Next time--. At least Ive gotten it off my chest and will be able to deal with it calmly and thoughtfully. 

Thanks again


Thank you for pointing out the links to me--I think they'll help me alot.

I just read both of these lnks and they are wonderful!  

I didnt realize they even existed, I should have known there would be a topic on this.  Wikitree truly is a great place.

+7 votes
Have you contacted that person and discussed it privately yet?
by Tannis Mani G2G6 Mach 2 (21.5k points)
Thanks for the suggestion. I just dont know how? I know- duh. But I anm going to do that when I notice it again., but Ill be calm.

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