Yes, I am so glad Im here! TY
Hi Tamara. I understand the frustration. What you're describing doesn't sound very much like "collaboration" as I understand the word. And there have been other discussions in G2G suggesting that editors ought to back off for a while when it's clear that a profile is actively being worked on. So I agree with Tannis that you should try contacting the other member. You could point out this page in the Help file for starters:
And then, if you don't get satisfaction, you may need to become familiar with this page:
Good luck.
Thanks for the encouragement. I dont want to alienate this potential cousin. Just having you listen helped me!
So, Im going to have to address it -Next time--. At least Ive gotten it off my chest and will be able to deal with it calmly and thoughtfully.
Thanks again
I just read both of these lnks and they are wonderful!
I didnt realize they even existed, I should have known there would be a topic on this. Wikitree truly is a great place.