Is there anyone who would like to join the Purdy/Purdey One Name Study?

+10 votes
I started this a little while ago for my branch of the Purdy family in Surrey, England. A recent inquiry and the updated guidelines for ONS have reminded me that I should issue an invitation to join in via G2G - so here it is! All those interested in the Purdy Name and its variants are welcome.
WikiTree profile: Space:Purdy_Name_Study
in The Tree House by Chris Goff G2G3 (3.5k points)

There was a Daniel Purdy, son of John Purdy, who petitioned The court of sessions to name his uncle Joseph Purdy as his guardian.

The Minutes of the Court of Sessions (1657-1696) Westchester › books Westchester County (N.Y.). Court of Sessions, ‎Dixon Ryan Fox · 1924

Thank you.

9 Answers

+4 votes
I have a second great-grandfather named Richard Purdy here in the US.  I'd love to learn more about the name.
by CJ Hall G2G Crew (570 points)
Hi. Thanks for taking an interest. Have a look at the profile link in my original post for more on the name. If you have Purdy profiles you would like to add to WikiTree then we can add them to the Name Study. Is there a particular region you are interested in? (Name Studies tend to be oraganised this way)
+4 votes
I would like to join the Purdy ons.  My late husband's ancestors were from Cumbria, uk and then down to Liverpool and Birmingham.  His gt gt  grandfather was George, gt grandfather Robert, grandfather Alfred father William. I have quite a lot of information on them.
by Susan Purdy G2G Crew (320 points)
Hi Susan. Many thanks for getting involved. Do you have any Profiles up on WikiTree yet? I'm still new to all of this but I'm sure we'll get it going. (I'm going to be be away for a couple of days so please bear with me if I don't get back straight away).
I don't have any published profiles at the moment and don't really know how to get these on here as I haven't really done anything on here so far except look.  Any idea how I do this?  As you are going to be away I won't expect an early reply


Hi. (I'm back) I suggest you start with the 'How to' advice at If you have a GEDCOM then this is the quickest way - but it can also be a bit problematic. Adding one profile at a time is much slower but means you get each profile as you want it. You might also look at WikiTree X - this imports a profile from Ancestry or FamilySearch.

Good Luck!


+4 votes
Hey, I'm interested in the Purdy study, though I'm not sure exactly what joining the study would entail. I've just added my two known Purdy ancestors, [[Purdy-1898|James Purdy]] and his daughter [[Purdy-1897|Jane]]. James immigrated from Ireland and is as far back as I can go, but he had a ton of kids, who I have not yet gotten around to adding.
by Janelle Weir G2G6 Mach 5 (56.2k points)
Hi Janelle. Thank you for your interest in this study. I have added these two for you as I had to set up some new categories but hopefully you can see how it works now. "Joining" means adding profiles to the study - either yours or others in any area of interest. I can add your name to the Free Space page if you would like to be contacted by others in respect of this study. Please let me know if I can help any further.

OK, Thank you! I will continue adding Purdy profiles as I create/find them.
+4 votes
If it's not too late, I would like to join.  

I'm stalled at the moment trying to get sources for Israel Purdy (Purdy-2106)  of Quincy, MA, who emigrated from St. John's, New Brunswick, regarding his birth/death and his parents.

by Dorothy O'Hare G2G6 Mach 9 (90.9k points)
Hi Dorothy. Thank you for your interest in this study. I have added most of your Purdy profiles for you as, again, I had to set up some new categories but hopefully you can see how it works now. You should be able to add the others, where the profiles are not open, yourself but do let me know if you need any help. As with previous responses, "Joining" simply means adding profiles to the study - either yours or others in any area of interest. If you would be happy to be contacted by others in respect of this study then I can add your name to the Free Space page. Please let me know if I can help any further.

+3 votes
That is great that you are starting a Purdy One Name Study. I am descended from John Purdy (via his daughter Martha Purdy Hellings) who emigrated from County Antrim to Bucks County Pennsylvania in the 1740's. He was from a Presbyterian family that probably originated in Northern England (possibly Cumbria) prior to moving to Northern Ireland. I am still searching for documentation on that branch of the Purdy family. His ancestors are a well established line of the Purdy family in Pennsylvania.

- James Paxton
by James Paxton G2G6 Mach 1 (15.7k points)
edited by James Paxton
Hi James. Thank you for your interest in this study. As with Dorothy Truslow (above) I have added the relevant Purdy profiles for you (although I notice you'd made a start yourself, which of course is fine). Again please check you are happy with the way I've added them and please make changes if you think fit. I you too would be interested in helping others with this study then let me know and I'll add your name to the Free Space page. Good Luck with your research and do let me know if I can help.

Thank you, Chris. I appreciate all of your work.
+3 votes
I am very interested in researching the PURDY Surname.

My Mother: Miriam Amelia (Purdy) Bray (1923-2002).

My Grandfather: Chester Arthur Purdy (1896-1992).

I've traced his Family back to (9th GGF) Francis Purdy (1587-Brundall, England; 1658-Hartford Connecticut).
Hi Gene. Thank you for your interest in this study. I have added your open Purdy profiles for you as I had to set up some new categories but hopefully you can see how it works. You should be able to add the other one yourself but do let me know if you need any help. As with previous responses, "Joining" simply means adding profiles to the study - either yours or others in any area of interest. If you would be happy to be contacted by others in respect of this study then I can add your name to the Free Space page. Please let me know if I can help any further.
I would like, very much, to help others anyway I can.
As the Revolutionary War progressed, the Purdy Family was split between being a Revolutionist or Loyalist. Primarily, My branch were Revolutionists.

Purdy Family members (Loyalists), fled to Canada, for safety, and for fear of retaliation by Revolutionists. They fled from New York and Connecticut areas.

A majority, of those that fled to Canada, stayed and never returned to the United States.

In the 1800's some Purdy Families immigrated to the United States through Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Thanks Gene, I have added you as a contact on the Purdy Free Space page - Please edit the comment against you as you prefer. Any questions just ask.
+3 votes
My maternal grandmother [[Ferguson-1128|Edna (Ferguson) Roberts]] as part of her research for her degree in Genealogy assisted in the research for the book,

John Purdy

His Ancestors and Descendants

Born Fairfield Connecticut c 1648

Died Westchester County New York 1678

by Clayton C. Purdy and Others

My grandmothers annotated copy of that book has recently come into my possession and since her mother's maiden name was Purdy and since this book has some 1500 pages of information into this particular branch of the Purdy family, I might be able to help out a bit.
by Boris Charlton G2G6 Mach 1 (12.7k points)
Thanks Boris. I have added a comment to this effect to the Purdy Name Study Page. (I am assuming the relevant John Purdy is Purdy-27). If this is not correct, or you would like anything changed in what I have written, then please let me know.

+3 votes
please add me to this study- Clough-2154; Glorianna Purdy, married to George Merritt, Sr., is my 5th great-grandmother
by Gary Clough G2G Crew (500 points)
Hi Gary. I see these profiles are already included in the study.If you would be happy to be contacted by others in respect of this study then I can add your name to the Free Space page. If you have a particular area or line of interest you would like mentioned, then I would be happy to include this. Please let me know, and if I can help any further, do ask.

+2 votes

I am very interested in joining this project. I've been finding a lot of great stuff, but I want to vet it thoroughly before I post it.

by Ann Perdue G2G1 (1.5k points)
Hi Ann. You are welcome to join our project. As I have said above, if you would be happy to be contacted by others in respect of this study then I can add your name to the Free Space page. If you have a particular area or line of interest you would like mentioned, then I would be happy to include this. Please let me know, and if I can help any further, please ask.

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