I believe many ancestors have had disputes, hence USA. My lines seem to have all been fighting with different lines somewhere along the way since the dawn of written history. Thank God for forgiveness, or geez would Americans ever buy Volkswagen or Hondas and would German and Japanese ever buy American goods?
Interesting aside: king of France, one of the Louis, on again off again at war with England. But he and his English cousin still exchanged gifts for things like birthdays.
There are cases in American history that might seem that the parties were at odds but in actuality were necessary for the benefit of all in the present and for prodigy. Some cases over years, were almost hilarious.
Did you consider that their feud might have kept others from family estates, or greedy within? What time frame, and what was transporting in the religious, political, marriage, real estate sociology of the time?
Also please consider our convicts coming to America, falsified or minor theft accusations rather than heresy executions?
Would I dare ask, 'who's on first'? Probably before your time, sigh