Where can I find the standards developed on Wikipedia to mark a profile as a Notable

+5 votes

I've read everything I can find about marking profiles as notable and I still don't know if he should be marked as such.  He doesn't have a Wikipedia entry, but he was an early settler of Texas, and a lawyer, public servant, politician, and soldier.  He was also a writer and local historian. He published and edited a newspaper, the Georgetown Watchman, in the 1860s and 1870s, and in 1904 wrote and published First Settlement and Organization of Williamson County, a short county history. He was a founder and President of the Williamson County Old Settlers Association and served as its president. He was an Independent Order of Odd Fellows Grand Master of Texas. He was a director of the Georgetown and Granger Railroad. He also served as a Texas Ranger, County Sheriff, and County District Attorney.

WikiTree profile: William Makemson
in Policy and Style by Chuck Biggs G2G6 (9.8k points)

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer

I'd say he qualifies for Notable status - despite not having a Wikipedia page.

Does he have any entry in any major biography or is there a biography or a memoir about him?
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Pip Sheppard

I found that page but it was hard to apply any information found there to this profile.  

I found his bio in two publications, 

Ken W. England, Historical Sketch of Williamson County Old Settlers Association (Round Rock, Texas, 1966). History of Texas,


* A Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties (Chicago: Lewis, 1893). Buckley B. Paddock, History of Central and Western Texas (2 vols., Chicago: Lewis, 1911).

Add those 2 sources to the Bio and notes, and I would not have any problems with giving him the Notable sticker.

Lets just get one more opinion from the boss - Scott Fulkerson.
OK - so my vote doesn't (or shouldn't) count for more than just a vote, but still, here's my thoughts.

Notability is a measure that indicates someone's accomplishments that go beyond the norm. So typically there's something an individual has accomplished that indicates that they have done something that no other person has done. That being said, the single easiest way is for them to have a Wikipedia page. The second way is to prove through discussion that they could have a Wikipedia page if their Notability is demonstrated. That being said...

His accomplishments individually don't seem to indicate a lot of unique items that I can see, however, taken as a whole they are fairly significant. A few of his accomplishments seem worthy of Notability and it is obvious he's been recognized by others in separate works. I see no reason why we shouldn't recognize him as well.
Thanks Scott.
+5 votes

The guidelines for Wikipedia are a bit different, but here they are:

Wikipedia:Notability (people)

by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (204k points)

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