Living people show as n sorced profiles

+2 votes
Why do living people show as "unsourced" on my family proiles?
in WikiTree Help by Donna Henderson G2G6 Mach 1 (13.4k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Are you seeing the grey box that says unsourced? If so, then there is likely a {{Unsourced}} tag at the beginning.

If you are seeing something else, I'm not sure. Living people were made "Unlisted" at the end of May for compliance with European privacy rules.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (561k points)
Yes. I just looked at my Mom and Dad. They both have unsourced tags on them.
If you have sources on them then you can just remove the unsourced template by going into edit and deleting {{Unsourced}}
I thought about doing that, but wanted to ask first. This has added to my unsourced list tremendously!
You can safely remove the templates when you have added appropriate sources.
I thought living people could not be sourced. What are appropriate sources?

See Juha’s response below for an explanation of acceptable sources.
Of course you can source living people. You just can't make them public and have to keep them unlisted.
+4 votes

I believe the Unsourced template is automatically added to a profile if you don't provide sources at the creation of the profile.

For your parents it is okay to state personal knowledge or family documents as source, but for a person who died before you were born or whom you never met should have better sources. Interview with xxx or documentation would do it for the last century. The further back in time you go the more crucial it is to find primary sources to verify dates and family ties.

Here is an example of my grandfather. I got an email from my uncle who had spoken to my grandfather about his parents. I can't post the email, but can cite it like I did on the profile.

by Juha Soini G2G6 Pilot (123k points)
Goodness - 125 years? That is very restrictive.

Even NZ releases birth records after 100 years.
I did some reading, and not knowing where I got the 125 years, I would need to change it to 100 years after birth or 50 years after death. Thanks for pointing that out.
The timeframe for release of vital records varies significantly from place to place and many are less than 100 years so you always need to know your jurisdictions.

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