Shared Photo: Opekenkeno

+5 votes

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I wanted to share this family photo of Opekenkeno Powhatan with the community. Location: unknown. Date: unknown.
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (509 x 495).

WikiTree profile: Opekenkeno Powhatan
in Photos by Living McClendon G2G Crew (300 points)
The dna of the atDNA of claimants of  Nicati Hooe 1 's circles can be viewed at   Asking that Nicati (aka Nicketti Hughes - sic) be reconnected to her parents as passed down in the Floyd Family Association for 7 generations.  Relaying that 120 people are now asking from kit matching groupings alone.   Removing the parents of Nicati is an insult to the founders of the Virginia Historical Society and granddaughter of Nicati, Mrs Fredrick Holmes, who passed down this history that Nicati was the daughter of Opekenkeno and Cleopatra as she was the child of Gov Floyd who found the Petition mentioning Cleopatra and turned it into the MD History Museum.  This is passing on word from multiple parties and a large number of people asking that Nicati be reconnected to Opekenkeno and Cleopatra as their daughter.

1 Answer

+4 votes
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Thank you for sharing the picture. It is incredible, and the story is very sad. How very strange that I have Hughes and Floyds in my family tree.

Opekenkeno and Cleopatra should have their daughter reconnected to them. It is shameful that a petition has to be circulated in order to get that done.

What does a person have to do to sign the petition? Do they have to be a genetical match?

This breaks my heart, as I found a member of my family, and I am currently working with a woman who was adopted that shares her DNA with me. We are trying to find her natural parents.

But to your picture - he is a very handsome man - strong cheekbones, furrowed eyebrows, almost a sadness in the coal black eyes.

His long, thin hair is blowing in the wind, and I can picture him, tall and proud sitting on his horse, riding across the Virginia countryside.

This is a beautifully done picture, and I would love to see what his wife Cleopatra looks like. The name brings imagines to your mind of a beautiful Indian woman with long dark braids.

Thank you for sharing the pictures and the sad story.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
These profiles in question are managed by the Native American Project. We strive to source our claims with the application of the genealogical proof system. The project has spent hundreds of hours researching these profiles. We can find zero proof that this woman, Nicati, or however you wish to spell her name, is a daughter of Opecanchanough.

Rather than signing a petition perhaps the better option would be to provide actual documents with their sources.
Great picture! I agree with Jeanie, just the facts ma'am. Supposedly an ancestor of mine descends from Sir Rhys AP Thomas, I'll believe it only when I see the proof.
Thanks, Susan, for selecting my answer!
disagreeing with someone's opinion is no reason to give a down vote. I could spend the entire day here and place down votes because I disagree with someone, but I don't believe that is what WikiTree is about.

It is nice that votes are anonymous. That is why it is so easy for people to give down votes. I, for one, think they should not even be here.

I have seen the heated arguments about the question of the relationship, between Nicati and Cleopatra.

I wanted to see the petition, to read it.

May God bless everyone on this site.

Have a blessed Monday.

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