Hi WikiTreers ! Join the Integrators Challenge for August 2018! [closed]

+14 votes


 Hi Integrators Challenge Participants ! 

It's time for this month's Integrators Challenge. Prior Months stats will be posted soon. Here's the Challenge Tracker Results Page that has up to the minute stats.

To participate:

  1. Answer here (not comment). You can use the Challenge Tracker (preferred) or list your contributions in the comments under your answer here. You only need to post once. 
  2. If you opt to use the Tracker you are ready to go. 
  3. If you op to just post in this thread, list the G2G question you worked on and what you did here (answered the question, create a profile, source profile) in a comment on your answer, Number your contributions.
  4. All Challenge activity should involve G2G questions from two months ago or more. If the question is unanswered try to answer it.
  5. Add the URL/WebPage Address of the question used Under your Answer here when a profile is created to answer a G2G question. 

Whatever question you choose, look at the information there and check to see if there is a profile on WikiTree yet. Yes? Move whatever information might be in the question to the profile, and put a link to the profile on the question in G2G so everyone is aware there is now a profile on WikiTree.

No profile? Create one (or a few if several people are mentioned in the question, comments, and answers), and do the same as above. 

These are some threads to get you started if you don't want to do some searching on your own. If you use one of these, comment on your post below with which you are working on so you aren't doubling up another's work. Everything should be sourced! 

The Monthly Challenge runs from midnight the first day of your month and ends at 11:59 the last day of the month, your time.

Ask any questions you have here in the thread.

See and read the details of the Integrators Challenge and How the Challenge Works: Project:Integrators Challenge

WikiTree profile: Space:Integrators_Project_Challenge_Outline

WikiTree profile: David Selman
closed with the note: Last Day of the August Integrators Challenge.
in The Tree House by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
closed by David Selman

10 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer

Talk about neck to neck, phew!! Congratulations to us both, David and I. yes Nice work. 

Maybe someone will surprise us this month and come bat some totals out of the park! We would love to see "new winners" for this challenge... Think about it and get ready to go... we will be cheering you on!!!!! 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Thomas Peterson

It is about time you and I had some competition!! smiley

It is so much more fun when it is neck and neck to the end!!

Right David, now we both have two wins!! Wonder who will get the next win?? Count me in again for August!! 

I'll join
Hi Glenda, to join the Integrators Challenge please post your request as an answer. Thank you!
+15 votes

And the winners of our Integrators Challenge from July 2018 is ....

We had a tie!!

Dorothy Barry and David Selman!

Congrats Dorothy and David and many thanks for participating! 

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
edited by David Selman
+12 votes

Count me in for the August Integrators Challenge!

Integrators and WikiTree members step up to the plate and knock the ball out of the Park and topple me and Dorothy off the winner's mound!!!!!!!!!


by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Bring it on!!! Someone gotta do it lol!!!! cheekylaughyes

+10 votes
Yes also count me to for August.
by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (514k points)
Thank you, Linda! Have fun!
+10 votes
As noted earlier, I will be joining the challenge again this month and using the Tracker. Already did 4 .   Come on out please, and join us!!
by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Thank you, Dorothy! You're ahead of me by 3!! image

+7 votes
I’m in! Got two already. Hoping for more.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Thank you, Pip!
+5 votes
Sounds good to me for August 2018
by Andrea Pack G2G6 Mach 5 (59.2k points)
Thank you, Andrea!
+6 votes

Signing up for another month (Aug) to continue working on the Integrator Challenge I started earlier. 

Found some siblings to Jacob Morgan Servis that I want to add to WikiTree.  Was able to also connect him to his parents Charles and Abigail Servis already on WikiTree. smiley

by Living Barry G2G6 Pilot (191k points)
Thank you, Sandra, for joining us for the month of August!
+6 votes
Hi, I'd like to sign up for the challenge.  I'm a little late to the game for this month but I hope to make it a recurring monthly exercise.
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

Thank, SJ, for joining the monthly Integrators Challenge, Please click the links above in the Challenge post and read how it works. Also, would you add your name to the Challenge participants list here and you can add the Participation sticker to your profile: Project: Integrators Challenge

+4 votes

To help the Challenge leaders to better track the questions and answers to the G2G question using the profiles created we have added and request that everyone Add the URL/WebPage Address of the question used Under your Answer here when a profile is created to answer a G2G question. Also please be sure to click on and read the Project Challenge Page to understand how the Integrators monthly challenge works. Be sure to add your name to the Participants list and you can also add the {{Integrators Challenge}}  sicker to your profile. Thank you, Integrators Challenge Team.

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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