To all;
Dig a little deeper by asking why five times. How did we get here to this point OF UNSCERTANTY, AND HESITATION.. This question keeps popping up and the obvious answer keeps getting tossed. Ask why can I not tell from the profile I'm looking at, if it is related to the person who I think matches. Use the five why's rule. Answer that, then ask why I'm still uncertain, and answer that question, and continue five times, and you will mostly arrive at the solution.
I need to show you where I'm going so we can stay on point. Private profiles on a public tree do not work. If you want every branch on your tree to be dead, continue down this path. We must turn about with concerns of privacy, and start encouraging grafting and inclusion so our many branches will sprout from our ONE TREE.
How did we get to a point where I I'm looking at a profile and I still cannot tell if I attach this profile, or create a new one, and possible duplicate. Merging of private profiles is impossible. Every critical field is hidden. Hopefully less restricted profiles have plenty of sources to possibly see, and some like FamilySearch have ID#'s so you know exactly if its a match or not. Stay with me as I'm talking about problems with FamilySearch nor the thousands of records that have inconsistent spellings dates, etc....Different subject for another day.
I too am extremely FRUSTRATED with the same problem of not knowing if I may be creating a duplicate. Worse, several times I'm certain this profile already exists, but I cannot connect to it because the branch of the tree is set to PRIVATE. If I match this family in question, am I also not a relation? Why is one family given more preference when we are all connected to Adam and Eve right? Keep with me (ONE TREE)! Why would one attach a profile to a public tree, if in doing so they then hide it, and make a profile private? Private profiles for non living people defeats our objective of ONE TREE! It almost forces us to create duplicates, or abandon the project out of frustration. I'd love to have a relationship with living newly found cousins. Conversing with new relatives is of secondary objective here. My main objective is to verify my ENTIRE TREE (Our one Tree). How can it be one tree if I create my own tree on the same site with duplicates? That would be a major fail of the mission of one Tree. Yet it seem every comment leads us to the wrong conclusion. We must accept privacy for the greater good is a serious flaw. Tell me how to get to one tree if we ENCOURAGE (not discourage) hiding fields on existing (or newly added) profiles by allowing a profile manager to set deceased profile as private?
Why do we allow private profiles for non living members who by definition must be connected to one tree? Stay on subject here. Answer that question with the five whys. People are attaching relatives who do not belong on "OUR" ONE PUBLIC TREE. The one, is stopping the many from execution. In this case, we have a plethora of pre-Madonna's. Individuals who give, and then take back (by a privacy setting). They feel they own a profile, and will not share on the public tree. The one being a person who wants to hide a profile because of security / privacy concerns, or embarrassment of self (or family). The error is attaching a profile of such at all. This is not my problem that they display it (add it) then hide it! Stay with me. We as genealogists do not care about the BIOS, but is the correct profile attached so others can also be attached! If fields are hidden, their is a great chance of duplication and that is not encouraging doing right things right the first time! Why would be build in inefficiency. Why encourage individuals to throw a bone or two into the heap, and not expect us archaeologists to try to solve the puzzle?
So let me have it! Tell me why my attempt at connecting every profile on WikiTree to one tree, is not woefully hampered by people hiding profiles that cannot be totally seen and therefore connected? Again for clarification, I don't care about a dead end branch! Whether a child with no children, or any person without a grandchild. Those are dead ends, at least for now. Does an Archeologist care about living things, or are they more interested in looking back and drawing conclusions about how this piece fits into our premise? What is WikiTree? Is it a social posting of private unconnected trees, or is it by definition a public tree where only under certain (time based) circumstances, profile can be privatized? If it is both, I submit my resignation. I joined because I wanted to work with others to find answers about our past.