Where to post a proposal for improving a help page?

+3 votes

I want to pass on what I have learned about WikiTables and ask that it may be included on https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Editing_Tips#Tables

  • To separate cells on a single line use "||" (plain cell) or "!!" (bold, centered cell).

Also, under "sortable", the following rules will make dates correctly sortable.

  • A field of 11 characters as "dd mmm yyyy", e.g.: "03 May 2018". The spaces can be repalced by "/", "." or "-".
  • A field of 10 characters as "dd/mm/yyyy", e.g.: "03/05/2018". The "/" can be replaced by "-" or "." but NOT a space.
  • A field of 8 characters as "dd/mm/yy", e.g.: "03/05/18". The "/" can be replaced by "-" or "." but NOT a space.

The cell content is recognized as money, if the very first character is the Pound, Euro or Dollar sign (script bug: "$" will end up being sorted as numeric, but that may be ok unless you mix pounds and euros in the same column)

The cell content is recognized as numeric, if the very first character is a digit (0-9), ".", ",", "%", "?" or "$".

Anything else sorts as "case insensitive".

If a column does not lend itself to sorting (like images or comments), you can suppress the column from showing the sort arrow by adding a class statement: 

"| class="unsortable" |columnName"

The script that does the decision on the type of data could be fixed so that money, dates and currency could work better. As it is now, a date starting with a digit could be sorted numerically rather than by date.

in WikiTree Tech by Gil Davis G2G6 Mach 1 (15.3k points)
recategorized by Gil Davis


G2G is the right place to post it.

There's a procedure on how to have a WikiTree help page changed:


Don't know if there's the need to go into this whole process because you´re changing nothing, you're just adding very helpful information.

It'd be very useful for many others to have a link to this post below the "wikitable sortable" example at the end of the section "9 Tables" in the help page, like: "For more information see [This G2G post]".

Adding the tag "leaders" to your post may help to get a more qualified opinions on how this can be done.

Thank you for sharing this information.


I added the "leaders" tag, and we'll see what comes next.
What comes next is that I steal the information because I like making tables.

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