I am proposing that a sticker for Freemasonry be created. Would those who second such creation, please comment? [closed]

+14 votes
Hello all,

I am proposing that a sticker for Freemasonry be created. This sticker should have a Square and Compasses and state that ["First Name" "Last Name" is a Freemason.] Since a Freemason is always such, I feel that "is" is appropriate even for those who are deceased. Once the obligations are taken, the candidates are forever linked to the fraternity, even in death. My ancestor, Nathaniel Chapin IV (Chapin-1547) was a Freemason and I am currently his profile's manager. Those that would welcome such sticker, please comment. Thank you!
closed with the note: Use {{Society Member}} sticker for freemasons (see Melanie Paul's comment here)
in WikiTree Tech by Joel Hagenburg G2G1 (1.1k points)
closed by Ellen Smith
(moved comment to answer below)

4 Answers

+12 votes
I make a point of tagging all of my family members with the correct Category who are Freemasons, so I'd agree, and I'd also ask that a corresponding sticker be created for Order of Eastern star members.   :)
by Crispin Reedy G2G6 Mach 4 (47.3k points)
+6 votes

Hi Joel,

I would also agree about creating a sticker.

I would like to see the sticker also do the categorization.

I created the Freemasonry Free Space page, and help to lead the project. However, I am not an official Leader, and it requires a Leader to create the sticker.

by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (539k points)
I like the idea very much of placing an emblem, some where but take it a step further. Have an emblem of all the other bodies that he or she belonged to. I am a 60 year member of the Grand Lodge of Texas, mother lodge, Joaquin #856, Joaquin, Texas.

That's where I actually disagree.

There are lot of Masonic bodies. There shouldn't be so many stickers, that profiles are wearing them like the proliferation of lapel pins of Masons! These shouldn't be like so many badges of affiliation.

Also, guidelines say that a profile shouldn't have more than 5 stickers on a profile.

On the Freemasonry Free Space Project page, we already recommend that only the "Freemasonry" category get used, and no other subcategories. We will be changing that in the near future, but we still need to make it a reasonable depth.

We need to remember that the point of this is for genealogical purposes, not as a complete record of affiliations. WikiTree already has the ability for a free-form Biography, where it is easy to list all Masonic affiliations of a person. That is where it should really be noted. At this time, I think it is sufficient to state that the person is a Freemason, and the rest of the details are in the Biography.

Perhaps, at some point in the future, when there are enough profiles in WikiTree, we will go into more detail and decompose the organization further. But we need to take this in steps and not go crazy right now.

(And BTW, I'm a member of Enlightenment Lodge #198, Grand Lodge of Colorado)

I agree Eric. Having stickers for each appendant body would be excessive. I belong to a few myself, and this would just complicate things. A simple Square and Compasses image with a notation that reads "First Name, Last Name was a Freemason" should suffice.
I like stickers for highlighting points in biographies. I found this thread while looking for stickers I could use on my profiles that need a little interest added. I would use such a sticker on appropriate profiles. I would like to point out that I believe there are stickers that are formatted with "fill in your own text" areas. I would think that a sticker could be created that would have the image of square and compass and "...is a Freemason" but then it could be personalized (if desired) with the Masonic Body of relevance (or not).
+3 votes
Sure.  Why not?  However, I haven't bothered categorizing my relatives and ancestors who were Masons. It just isn't important to me.
by J. Crook G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
+2 votes
I would use such a sticker and I would like to learn more about the Freemasons. I am restoring a family cemetery and there are several men with grave markers with the symbol.
by Pam Fraley G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
Freemason sticker has existed for some time.  (This thread is 3 years old.)

The code is {{Society Member|society=Freemason}}

It can have the Lodge info added, if known, example -- {{Society Member|society=Freemason|post=Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona}}


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