Hello Peter. Thank you for adding your DNA test information to WikiTree.
Three additional steps that I suggest:
1. Change your privacy level from red “Private” to “Private with Public Biography and Family Tree.” That will allow your DNA matching cousins to easily discover their relationship with you and your shared ancestry.
2. Register at GEDmatch and follow GEDmatch’s instructions to upload your AncestryDNA results there. That will allow you to find matches with relatives who tested with 23andMe*, MyHeritageDNA, and Family Tree DNA’s Family Finder. That will also allow you to find matching autosomal DNA segments you share with AncestryDNA testers. That will allow you to use X-DNA matching.
3. Enter your GEDmatch ID on your DNA Tests page in WikiTree. That will allow your matching relatives in GEDmatch to automatically see your ancestry in WikiTree. That will also allow you to easily perform One-to-many and One-to-one comparisons from WikiTree using GEDmatch.
*23andMe customers who tested prior to 10th Aug 2017.