Probable? Gateway Ancestor-Mrs. Lion Gardiner (Part 1/2)

+7 votes

Hi everyone,

I think Wikitree is a good place to invite discussion about another possible Gateway ancestor (or ancestress, in this case) to America.  I first saw this line pointed out by Todd Whitesides.  There are also several websites, such as that of Cornelis Boshuizen, that provide critical supporting details.  Despite having quite a bit of Dutch ancestry, I’m sadly not fluent (at all) in the language (so a very, very big thank you to Google Translate! and to all the wonderful Dutch researchers who have posted excerpts from primary source material and other scholarly documents from The Netherlands) and don’t have access to a lot of the publications in the US, even through ILL.  Sincerest apologies for any errors through Google Translate.  Everyone please feel free to pick holes in this, but from what I’ve been able to see, it looks fairly solid.  All credit goes to researchers such as Todd Whitesides and Cornelis Boshuizen (I tried to include everyone I've seen posting about this line online in this post-apologies if I've left anyone out and would be happy to amend).  I have to post this in 2 posts because of the character limit.  Here is the possible line: (Gens. 1-5 source to Leo van de Pas’s website Genealogics.)

Louis VII, King of the Franks=Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine

Marie of France=Henri I, Count of Champagne

Marie of Champagne=Baudouin VI-IX, Count of Flanders and Hainault

Margarethe II, Countess of Flanders and Hainault=Bouchard of Avesnes

Jan I of Avesnes, Count of Hainault=Aleida of Holland

NN of Avesnes

(possibly NN of Avesnes should Willem de Cuser be found to be Jan I’s great-grandson)

Willem de Cuser (great) grandson of Jan I of Avesnes=Ida van Oosterwijk

(Willem de Cuser’s parentage is currently unknown; however, it is known that he was a great(grandson) of Jan I of Avesnes.  He was called ‘onse neef’ (our nephew/cousin) by Willem IV, Count of Holland and Hainault (see Registres van de Hollandse grafelijkheid 1229-1345 and the Wikipedia page for Willem Cuser, (further citing website Karel den Grote by ZMDeurvorst, which also has excellent information.) discusses Willem’s coat of arms, further cementing his descent from Jan I and wife Aleida.  The most current scholarly publication on Willem Cuser that I know of is an article I can’t access but whose content was briefly abstracted on the website the article is entitled “Op zoek naar de vader van Willem die Cuser” by Bart den Hertog, and appeared in the publication De Nederlansche Leeuw in 2016.  (Per Google Translate, this article’s title in English is “Looking for the Father of Willem Cuser.”  As relayed by the website, Den Hertog postulates Willem Cuser could be a son of the Bishop of Utrecht, a younger son of Jan I of Avesnes (also discussing at least one alternative parentage).

Meyne Cuser=Claes van Zwieten (Shown on Genealogics, along with her husband and parents, citing Die Nederlandsche Leeuw, Den Haag (1965); additional sources is Fred van Kan’s page "Het Leidse Patriciaat." Historische vereniging Oud Leiden. "Van Zwieten. IVa. Claas van Zwieten."  Mr. van Kan has posted abstracts of multiple primary source documents surrounding this family which, while I have had to rely on Google Translate, have been made clear content-wise.  Van Kan’s work is the source for the next three generations.  All of these have been posted as citations on WikiTree.

Yde Claasdr van Zwieten=Pieter Hugensz.

Sources: Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 19 July 2018), memorial page for Floris van Boschuysen (unknown–8 Sep 1474), Find A Grave Memorial no. 79125544, citing Pieterskerk, Leiden, Leiden Municipality, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands ; Maintained by Todd Whitesides (contributor 47553735) .

Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 19 July 2018), memorial page for Claas van Zwieten (unknown–1409), Find A Grave Memorial no. 116241109, citing Pieterskerk, Leiden, Leiden Municipality, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands ; Maintained by Todd Whitesides (contributor 47553735) .

Boshuizen, Cornelis. "Boshuizen en varianten."

van Kan, Fred. "Het Leidse Patriciaat." Historische vereniging Oud Leiden. "Pieter Gobburgenz. C.S. IV.b. Pieter Hugenz."

van Kan, Fred. "Het Leidse Patriciaat." Historische vereniging Oud Leiden. "Van Zwieten. IVa. Claas van Zwieten."

From Het Leidse Patriciaat." Historische vereniging Oud Leiden. "Pieter Gobburgenz. C.S. IV.b. Pieter Hugenz.: “Beloofde 29 aug. 1413 vrijwaring t.b.v. zijn kleinzoon Willem van Boschuysen (Ga. 456 p. 338; Kort, ‘Rept. Culemborg’, 45).”  Per Google Translate, on August 29, 1413, Pieter promised indemnity for his grandson Willem van Boschuysen. 

Willem van Boschuysen was Floris van Boschuysen’s older brother (according to Kan, Floris had two brothers named Willem, one being Willem Cuser van Boschuysen.  This family is fairly well-researched in the Netherlands, and searching Google Books provides quite a bit of information on them.)

WikiTree profile: Mary Gardiner
in The Tree House by K. Anonymous G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
edited by K. Anonymous

2 Answers

+7 votes

Part 2/2

Beatrijs van Zweiten=Willem Hermansz. van Boschuysen

Source: van Kan, Fred.  "Het Leidse Patriciaat."  Historische vereniging Oud Leiden.  "Willem Luutgardenz.  C.S.  IVb. Willem Hermansz."

From the above site: “…Beatrix dr. van Pieter Hugenz.  (GvH. 228f. 16v., zie Pieter Gobburgenz. C.s.), verm. als wijnkoopster 1403-04 (GvH. 1257 f. 35); zij bezat 4 hond land in de Waard te Leiderdorp, gezien de belendingen afkomstig van haar vader, verkocht 7 mrt. 1424 (Huisarch. Warmond 479 f. 26 en v.) en eveneens ald. Van 8 hond land, opbregend 8 (Rijnsburg 130 f. 71 en v.); bovendien ald. ¾ van een rente van 17 groot, 12 okt. 1424 verkocht (Ke. 724)” (Names Beatrix, her father, and that she obtained land from her father).

Heer Floris Willemsz. van Boschusyen=Hillegond Spruyt van Krieckenbeeck


Boshuizen, Cornelis.  "Boshuizen en varianten."

Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 18 July 2018), memorial page for Floris van Boschuysen, Find A Grave Memorial no. 79125544; Maintained by Todd Whitesides (contributor 47553735) .

van Beaumont, Simon.  ''Batavia Illustrata''.  Vol. I, pg. 881.

van Kan, Fred.  "Het Leidse Patriciaat."  Historische vereniging Oud Leiden.  "Willem Luutgardenz.  C.S.  IVb. Willem Hermansz." 

Willem Florisz. van Boschuysen=Johanna van Oosterwijk


Boshuizen, Cornelis.  "Boshuizen en varianten."  

* Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 18 July 2018), memorial page for Willem van Boschuysen (unknown–1485), Find A Grave Memorial no. 115928300, citing Pieterskerk, Leiden, Leiden Municipality, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands ; Maintained by Todd Whitesides (contributor 47553735) .

* van Beaumont, Simon.  ''Batavia Illustrata''.  Vol. I, pg. 881.

Pontiaan Willemsz. van Boschuysen

Sources: Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 01 August 2018), memorial page for Pontiaan van Boschuysen (unknown–1545), Find A Grave Memorial no. 116133513, citing Pieterskerk, Leiden, Leiden Municipality, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands ; Maintained by Todd Whitesides (contributor 47553735) .

Boshuizen en varianten, by Cornelis Boshuizen

 van Beaumont, Simon.  ''Batavia Illustrata''.  Vol. I, pg. 881.

Jannetje Ponsdr. Van Boshuysen=Sebastiaan Cornelisz.

Source: Boshuizen en varianten, by Cornelis Boshuizen:

Liberally using Google Translate, I was able to gather that the information re: Jannetje van Boshuizen as daughter of priest Pontiaan van Boshuizen was sourced to "De Nederlandsche leeuw" (1993) and H.J. van der Waag's "Kwarstietstaat Jannetje van Leeuwen." 

Also from Boshuizen en varianten, by Cornelis Boshuizen: “** 24 mei 1576** bewijst Coenraad Gielisz van Boschuysen bloedvoogd en member van Haesgen Sebatiaansdr weeskind van zalr Sebastiaan Cornelisz en Jannigje Pontiaansdr van Boshuijzen haar overladen vader en moeder…” (Per Google Translate: Cooenraad Gielisz van Boschuysen is proven to be a guardian of Haesgen Sebatiaansdr, whose deceased parents are Sebastiaan Cornelisz and Jannigje Pontiaansdr van Boshuijzen.)  This site contains additional information and relatives of Haesgen and Jannetje.

Haechjen Bastians dr.=Dirc Willems Duercant (Well sourced on Lion Gardiner’s WikiTree.  Lion Gardiner identified his mother and father-in-law by name, as shown on his WikiTree page: “In the year of our Lord, 1635, the 10th of July, came I, Lion Gardiner and Mary my wife from Woerden, a town in Holland, where my wife was born, being the daughter of one Diricke Willemson, deureant; her mother’s name was Hachir, and her Aunt, sister of her mother, was the wife of Wouter Leanerdson, old burger Muster…”)

Merrichjen Dircx. dr.=Lion Gardiner

Thanks again to everyone that read this fairly long post!  There might be another line to explore with Sebastiaan Cornelisz. as well-Mr. Whitesides discusses his thoughts that Sebastiaan was the son of Cornelis van Abcoude van Meerten (Whitesides, Todd Allan.  "Ancestry of Merrichgen Dirksdr Duurcant (c. 1600-1665) of East Hampton, Long Island."  Posted on on June 12, 2009.)  I’m trying to locate a source that identifies Sebastiaan’s parents.


by K. Anonymous G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
I have a Cornelius Van Meteren b. 1540 in Netherlands in my tree at ancestry which I haven't transported to wikitree yet.

He is the grandfather of Jan Joosten Van Meteren b. 1620-1685 whose dil (?) is Sarah Dubois daughter of Louis Dubois ( 1627-1696 )  who I am pretty sure is a gateway ancestor and Dubois is here at wikitree.

Name is also spelled Van Meter and Van Metre.
+3 votes
Her royal ancestry has long been well established, but the documentation isn't very accessible to most Americans outside the family. Thank you for helping improve access.
by Martyn Mulford G2G6 Mach 3 (31.0k points)

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