What does this sentence mean? "Do not link to her profile ..."

+3 votes
Please explain how this is done.  My experience is with Ancestry.com in which one can have many trees.

"You just enter all the Burns people you want to, but do not link to Judith's profile in her tree until more definite, but you can note the known great grandparents with links to their profiles in the text"
in WikiTree Help by Gwenda Kingsmill G2G Crew (490 points)
Hi Gwenda,

There is just one collaborative tree here at WikiTree. Also, if you could provide the profile to which you're referring in your question, and also where you're reading that sentence, it might be beneficial for those who may be able to help answer your question.
I think it means 'Don't make the child/spouse/parent connection between Judith and people for whom you can't document the relationship.'   As Rick said, it  would help to see the statement in context.

The second use of 'links' means to describe the known ggps in the text of the biography, and use hypertext links (URLs) to the ggps' profiles.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Which profile are you referring to? If you enter it in the field for that, someone can look and see what might be meant. My theory is that the profile manager wants actual evidence of a relationship before adding children, etc. because there may be false information floating around.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (561k points)
All the replies seem to assume my question has a philosophical solution and that I already know how WikiTree organizes and links data.
We can provide you with a more specific answer if you show us the profile that is saying this. Since WikiTree only has one tree, we do need to be careful when collaborating. This may be a case of a profile where people have added incorrect information a number of times.  Just post the link to the profile and one of us will take a look and give a specific answer.

Also, what information do you want to add? What sources do you have to support the addition? We can look at that and then see if it supports the addition. The goal of WikiTree is to have one well sourced tree. This is different from Ancestry where there is no requirement for a tree to be true. Many are pure fiction.

We want to help, but your question only left room for a more philosophical answer.
Thank you to all who offered help.

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