Just joined and someone seems to be asking me for help - is that expected?

+6 votes
I just want to make sure it's not spam or carrying a virus. The person is asking about printouts they received and wants me to help with them...
in WikiTree Help by Loralee Wellington G2G2 (2.5k points)
Welcome Loralee, Sorry to hear that you have been confused by a message before you get started. Did the message come from the Wikitree system and does the person asking have a valid Wikitree id? If not, then maybe best to ignore it. If it is from a valid Wikitreer and you do not know what they are asking about then you might suggest that they post their question on the G2G forum.
I looked closer at it, and realized that the person seems to be responding to a query I sent them. It was very abrupt and they were asking me for help, plus, they sent me some kind of print-outs. That worried me, so I haven't clicked on them yet. Just a strange exchange I didn't expect so soon...

Thank you for your response!

Just take your time to find your way around smiley

2 Answers

+7 votes
Hi Loralee, welcome aboard.  I think the short answer would be No, it's not typical or expected.  But I think a little more explanation would help someone to give you a more definitive answer.  Are you saying that you received a request from another member through the WikiTree mail system (which wouldn't reveal your e-mail address to the sender until you answer)?  Printouts of what, from where?  Does someone want to forward files or documents to you?  (If that's the case, you should be able to run a virus scan of a file before you open it.)  Could you give us some specifics, and explain how this relates to your new account on the site?
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
Thank you for responding. I think they were responding to a query I sent them - it was just done in a very abrupt and odd way, which threw me off.

So, I think it's OK after all.

+5 votes
That is strange indeed.  A greeter has posted a message on your profile and that is normal.  I find it strange what you say.  Of course, it could be due to you family name but I wouldn't trust that contact 100%.  You can send a message to info@wikitree.com if it persists.
by Beall Slaughter G2G6 Mach 1 (11.6k points)
Thank you for your help! I think I figured it out. I had sent a query to someone, and they were responding, just in a strange, abrupt way.

Thanks for your help!

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