British Columbia Monthly - August 2018

+9 votes

Hear ye, hear ye! If you are interested in British Columbia, and the people who made it what it is today, then the British Columbia Project might be for you!

British Columbians in the News

Incorrectly Categorised British Columbians

Currently, there are 10 people connected directly under the British Columbia category, rather than under the category for the city, town, or village where they were born, lived, or died. Those profiles need to be placed within the correct categories (if we can find out what they are). Most of the remaining profiles are marked as public or higher, so getting them fixed will require communicating the problem to the respective profile managers. (This will probably require more tact than I possess, because the last time I asked a PM to recategorise a profile, he wrote back to say that he was quitting WikiTree because too many people were telling him to fix this, fix that, and fix the other thing.)

Unsourced British Columbians

Currently, there are 20 people listed in the British Columbia Unsourced Profiles category. Those profiles need to be sourced and have that category removed. (And, of course, doing that can earn you points in the Sourcerers' Challenge or upcoming Saturday Sourcing Sprints.)

British Columbia Sources

This month, I'm going to focus on the Electoral History of British Columbia 1871-1986. It was produced by Elections BC, and lists every candidate in every general election and byelection in BC for the first 115 years of British Columbia's history as a province. Its coverage is, of course, much narrower than the BC Archives records, since it's only concerned with political candidates, but if you're working on the profile of somebody who ran for election in the Legislative Assembly (even unsuccessfully), it can help you nail down the details.

You can see an example of a citation from the Electoral History of British Columbia 1871-1986 in the profile for my great uncle, Herbert Welch, who was MLA for Comox from 1945 to 1952. 

Unconnected British Columbians

Currently, there are only 12 people listed in the British Columbia Unconnected Profiles category, which I take as a sign that people have been busily connecting British Columbian branches, so that's great. These remaining profiles need to be connected and have that category removed. (And, of course, doing that can earn you points in the Connectors Challenge.)

The following British Columbia premiers are open and unconnected:

Currently, there are 10 profiles listed in the Unconnected Notables British Columbia report.

Previous Issues

in The Tree House by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (733k points)
edited by Greg Slade

1 Answer

+5 votes
Hi Greg, I'm born and raised in British Columbia and interested in helping with the project. Let me know how I can contribute or how to go about joining the project. Please and thank you!
by Kyla H G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)
Sorry, I should have made it clear that I don't run the British Columbia Project. I just started the monthly G2G threads. The last I heard, Bob Jewett was the project leader, but there have been a lot of changes in the Canada projects, so my information may well be out of date.

I wrote to Bob and asked him what's going on. He told me that there's a new page called British Columbia Team. You might want to check that out.

Ok thanks Greg!

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