naming convention in 'Occupations by Country'

+4 votes

In the Occupations by Country category, there are some different forms of subcategories. I would like to pick one form and rename the others. I'm wondering which form most people like best. Right now, there are three forms present (with the right country filled in):

- Countries Occupations

-Countries Professions

-Professions in Country

My question is: Which of the above do you like best? Or do you propose a new form?

in Policy and Style by Sibe Bleuzé G2G Crew (990 points)
Sibe, some projects have named their categories in a certain way, and there have been many previous discussions of this:

This one is especially enlightening:

We will probably never have them all the same way, and I've resigned myself to this across WikiTree categories.

3 Answers

+6 votes

Categories cannot be modified to alter how they appear on the page, so German Artists, German Musicians, and German Physicians will all sort and appear under "G."  So, I think it will be more useful to be Artists of Germany, Musicians of Germany, and Physicians of Germany so they will sort under the different letters of the alphabet.

Also, I notice there is a category for American Occupations.  That would have to be broken down because there are lots of countries in America.  You have to look at how other categories are broken down.  There is North America, Central America, South America. 

For sure get input from the Categorization Project.  They work hard to make sure everything is uniform including punctuation.  You probably would do well to join that Project.smiley

by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (886k points)
Categorization was moving away from "XXX in XXX" in naming. The Occupations can be sorted, as I have done in German Occupations.


You can sort using the pipe "|"
I know that America isn't a country, but if you look inside, you will find that the categories all start with 'American', followed by some occupation. They're probably all from the USA, but you would need to check everything in there to make sure of that. Maybe I can do that sometime later.

Thanks for the suggestion of joining the Categorization project, I'm already with them though.
Yes we have North America, Central America, and South America. Some people like to refer to the US as "America" but it doesn't work for our purposes at WikiTree. Yes, those could be examined to see if there need to be changes.
+3 votes
I think you want it to show Occupation, Country in that order myself, the actual thing you are categorizing is the occupation, the country is a sub.
by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (718k points)
+3 votes

I should probably say that I created the Occupations by Country category as a place to dump all the categories within it, because they were cluttering up the Occupations category. Personally, I don't see the value of building out entire occupation category trees for each country, although some occupation categories (like Farmers) are so big that it makes sense to build out geographic subdivisions, since a farmer in Tasmania isn't terribly likely to be related to a farmer in Saskatchewan, whereas two farmers in the same county could well be related to one another somehow.

That said, if anybody wants to build out such category trees, I wouldn't try to stop them. And it would be nice to have consistency there. Personally, even though the trend in the Categorization Project is against it, I'm in favour of categories like "Occupations in Place" rather than "Placian Occupations", partly because the demonym for the United States of America is "American" (which, as has been pointed out repeatedly, is problematic), and partly because a term like "American Occupations" implies that people can't do those jobs in any other country, which is not the case. I'm also not partial to options like "United States of America Occupations", simply because they're bad grammar.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (732k points)

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