Need sources to add wife to Dominique Surette

+4 votes
I know the wife for Dominique Surette (Surette-708) is Marie Riley (or O'Riley) Melanson, but sources seem scarce, I don't even have age so its hard to determine if there is already a profile or whether it is worth adding a profile with little information. She is listed on the Acadian Geneology website:

with little information also which makes me suspect there isn't much out there. She is a dead end on my Acadian side where I often find that getting past one step I often find all the way to the founding families here on Wikitree. Any help is appreciated
WikiTree profile: Dominique Surette
in Genealogy Help by Keith Bycholski G2G1 (1.2k points)
retagged by Keith Bycholski

2 Answers

+5 votes

There appears to have been a son of Dominique who got married: Louis Surette, who married on  08 Jun 1913 in Barachois, Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canada at the age of 49. Estimated birth year is 1864. His parents were Dominique Surette and Marie Melanson. The bride's name was  Florina Belliveau, age 36, born about 1877.  Her parents were  André Belliveau and Sylvie Boudreau.

The link is here:, and you may be able to glean other information that wasn't transcribed by looking at the photocopy of the original document.

(Citation: "New Brunswick Provincial Returns of Marriages, 1887-1919," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), 1913 > Oldenburgh-Wasson > image 947 of 1269; Provincial Archives, Fredericton.)

by R. Greenup G2G6 Mach 7 (73.3k points)

I found a "Dominick Surat" on the 1881 Canadian census.  The wife is "Mary", but it shows three children -- one of whom is Justine, who is probably the one connected on your Dominique's profile.  Another one is Louis, who I mentioned in the answer above, so it seems at least probable that this is the correct family.  The link is here:

(Citation: "Canada Census, 1881," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 29 June 2017), 004463125 > image 522 of 729; Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.)

Thanks for your help Reba, I was able to find that information as well. But without a birth or death date for Marie Riley Melanson it is hard to see if there is already a profile on wikitree or if I should add one. Since it is a common name there are a lot of profiles that have similar names.

This may not be much help, but I just noticed that on the 1881 Canadian census, both before and after the household of Dominick Surat, are households of Melancons.  If you can accept the spelling variations, in my experience the names that seem to be related and are directly next door are, in fact, related.  Does it seem like a stretch to think that Melancon and Melanson are the same name?

Also, I know Wikitree stresses that one shouldn't create duplicate profiles, but (if you believe that the family on the 1881 Canadian census IS the family you are working on), then you can use the estimated year of birth (1825) and use the "estimated/uncertain" option for the birth date.  You can use the census for the source.  

If you start to create a profile for Marie (AKA MARY)  as spouse of Dominique/Dominick, while you are entering information for Marie, if the Wikitree system finds other profiles that seem similar, those profiles will pop up as ones you should closely compare with the information you have.  That way they are presented to you methodically, and you can either reject them or-- if you think you find a match, accept the proposed match as your Marie.  

Don't be so afraid of creating a duplicate that you completely prevent yourself from progressing.  Sometimes the possible matches are extremely vague, with no (or few) dates, places or family members, and there is no way to tell if they represent the same person or not.   In that case, continue with your own profile, and just don't completely reject the profiles that are too vague to be sure aren't a match.  

If you DO unintentially create a duplicate profile, it can be merged later, when it is possible to make an informed  comparison.

That's what I would probably do.  I wish I could be more help.  If you want to get some other opinions, you might want to "answer" yourself again to push this question back up to the top of the G2G feed and see if anyone else has differing, (or more helpful) advice.

+2 votes

Census of Canada 1881
Dominik age 56,
Mary age 56, Origin = English
3 children

Census of Canada 1871
Dominik age 46,
Mary age 46, Origin = Irish
5 children

Census 1861 - New Brunswick

by E Martin G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Thanks E Martin, that will do the trick, I am not sure why ancestry wasn't linking in those census entries.

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