I just went to my G2G page and happened to actually notice my totals of questions answers etc. I find it absolutely disheartening to find that 6 different times my answers were actually thumbed down! Are we grown adults in here or not? Who ever is doing this, did you ever hear the saying if you have Nothing Nice to Say, say Nothing at all! In all my years on wikitree i kno of one time where someone was actually being outright rude to me on here and left a rather nasty response to me about information i'd found, we basically got into a heated disagreement, and sure enough they had (pretty postive it was the one that disagreed) downed my legit answer of research, just because they didnt' like the "facts" that I'd found. I think I have downed 1 persons negative nasty response to me Once as well, & even then I did feel bad for doing it..but i'd hoped that doing so would help the person to see that thier nastiness comments weren't appreciated.
We don't have to agree on wikitree, we don't have to like each other, but deliberate use of the down rate, when someone is just trying to help with information, or because u don't agree with what answers they've found or their viewpoint on any given subject on wikitree, is just childish, vengeful, and basically brat like behavior. Please think b4 you downrate another wiketree'r, you don't know when the person you do this to, may find it so offensive and hurtful, that they may just quit! I won't, I found it "brattish-funny". So whoever is doing this to me...go for it I will continue to research and provide answers, ESPECIALLY the Factual Answers that go against the traditional beliefs of specific genealogies.