Help with research on Lundin

+4 votes

Looking for parents and siblings of Gustaf Lundin, Born 1810 Grevbäck, Västra Götaland, Sweden. Died about 1875. (death date?)

Married Fredrika (Molander) Lundin Born 1812 Ekhammar, Grevbäck, Västra Götaland, Sweden. Died about 1892. (death date?)

Their Son Gustaf Lundin born 1833 Rödesund, Västra Götaland, Sweden. Died 1887 - Married Anna Sofia Elenora (Svanbeck) Lundin born 1826 died 1866.

He also Married Jenny Amalia (Sahlstrom) Lundin born 1842 died 1915.

WikiTree profile: Gustaf Lundin
in Genealogy Help by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
edited by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

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Best answer

Gustav, the son, was born in Karlsborg parish, which is evidently where Rödesund is (I had to look it up). Page in birth book:

Karlsborgs Garnisonsförsamlings kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/GLA/13273/C/1 (1831-1836), bildid: C0051121_00009

His father was an artillerist.

Gustav the father was born in Grevbäck, which actually is a parish.

Seems to be only one Gustav born in Grevbäck in 1810 (19 Nov):
Grevbäcks kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/GLA/13157/C/2 (1753-1840), bildid: C0050399_00141

The father of that Gustaf was Anders Jonsson. Since Gustav the father was a soldier, Lundin was probably his soldier name - if the birth is for the right Gustav he was born Gustav Andersson.

At his time there should be household records to follow them in, to make sure it's the right person. But it's time for me to turn off the computer.

by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (600k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard

By means of the indexed household records for Sweden 1860-1930 (a collaboration by ArkivDigital and MyHeritage) I found the last household record for Gustaf Lundin the elder. I looked it up at Riksarkivet SVAR, so that you can see it:

Kyrkefalla kyrkoarkiv (fr o m 1946 Tibro), Husförhörslängder, SE/GLA/13300/A I/11 (1862-1876), bildid: C0052875_00032

Former Fourier Gustaf Lundin lived in Kyrkefalla parish with his wife Fredrika Molander (so it's the right couple). He was born in Grefbäck 19/11 1810, which agrees with the birth for Gustaf Andersson. There are two sons with the family for part of the timespan. Looking at their birth dates they will probably be the last in a flock wher Gustav the younger is the first.

So then, what you are saying is that Gustaf is the last of the lundin's and that my family was originated from the last name andersson? wow!
You mean, the first of the Lundins. Yes, I suspect so.

Sweden (Scandinsvia) used patronymics for last names for much longer than the rest of Europe. Iceland still does ;-) So it isn't Andesson all the way back, either. Anders Jonsson's father would have been Jon Somebody's-son.

If it's OK with you I'll try to follow Gustaf the Father from birth to death and put links into his profile.

There should be household records covering all the way.
Thank you so much Eva, I would appreciate that very much. You are an angel!
No, I'm not ;-)
I just get so interested in the life stories.

I've just lost sight of Gustaf when he was nine years old and fostered out, because his widowed mother couldn't cope. All the kids were scattered. What a struggle it must have been.
Yes you are Eva, an u most welcome, I appreciate all your help.
Thanks for all the thanks. I'll spend some more time with the Lundins later today.
Gave Gustaf the elder his parents.

They're pretty difficult. Parishes in Västergötland are small and numerous - and your kin seem to have been craftsmen and soldiers, moving across parish borders a lot. You never know in which books to look ;-)

I have all my ancestors on my paternal grandfather's side in Västergötland, but they were farmers and moved very little, so I only have to get to know the ins and outs of birth-marriage-death books in a few parishes.

Household records are a blessing, but usually start fairly late in Västergötland.

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