What does Fannie Scott - 1916 - False[Fannie Yancy] mean?

+3 votes

Fannie Yancey-1297.  Why does  death certificate state Fannie Scott - 1916 - False[Fannie Yancy].

Death certificate states "Married," but no husband's name.  Marriage license.  Maybe they applied for license, but never got married?  I have not seen a marriage "certificate."

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Marriage Index, 1885-1951,

Name: Fannie Yancey
Gender: Female
Spouse: Joseph W Scott
Spouse Gender: Male
Marriage Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Marriage Year: 1914
Marriage License Number: 315897
Digital GSU Number:


Pennsylvania, Marriages, 1852-1968

ame Yancey
Gender Female
Marriage Date 1914
Marriage Place Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Spouse Joseph W Scott
Film Number 004141922
Household Members
Name Age
Joseph W Scott
Could it be that these two records belong to two different people?

WikiTree profile: Fannie Scott
in Genealogy Help by Joanne Yancey G2G Crew (730 points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
I know of st least two cases in my family where the license was NOT returned by the officiating minister, for whatever reason, so there was no record of the marriage. It didn’t mean they weren’t, just that there was no records. Back in the day, in my neck of the woods, people didn’t take kindly to others shacking up. It would have been a known thing. Tongues wag, you know!  In both cases there wasn’t a hint of scandal, so they had to have been married.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
selected by Joanne Yancey
Thank you for your answer.  I once worked for a woman whose personal records I kept track of.  I had her marriage certificate and for some reason that I can't recall, she realized that she and her husband hadn't taken the final step of filing some document related to their marriage.  I was in possession of the document. They weren't recognized as a married couple until that was taken care of.  So, what you suggest makes perfectly good sense.  Thank you so much for jolting my memory and for clearing up this mystery.
Funny how we all have family stories that relate to specific situations. Glad I could help.

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