Who is Silas Parker Parker-7867?

+3 votes
Listed under the children of Parker-6896 is a SIlas Parker.  There is no record of such a child in Dimock's compilation of Mansfield Ct records.  Looking at that Silas, there is no information entered for him.
WikiTree profile: Silas Parker
in Genealogy Help by Jack Parker G2G6 (8.5k points)
recategorized by Jillaine Smith
Zachariah doesn't seem to have left a will. He died too young to file for a pension. Even the Ancestry trees are lacking in Silas. If the manager agrees, I would probably merge his away.
Thanks Anne,

I looked thoroughly on Rootsweb and found no Silas,  but I didn't have access to Ancestry.

The Rootsweb trees showed all the other siblings on this Silas Parkers profile.... a couple of the trees included an additional sibling named  "Love".
Too young?  93+ is getting up there.  What am I missing?


Jack Parker
The tree I "inherited" has an Asahel as well, I don't trust that either and unlinked him in my tree.


Jack Parker
The pension applications I've seen date from the acts of 1818 and 1832, so he died too soon, rather than too young. I just double checked there were pensions before then for invalids. I had checked at Fold 3 no pension appl.

1 Answer

+3 votes

I saw your question shortly after you posted it but didn't answer,  hoping someone with better search skills than I would take a look.   Since no one's answered yet,  I wanted to let you know you're not being ignored.....  I looked for evidence  Lt. Zachariah Parker had a son named Silas but found none.   I'd recommend you contact David Lamb  (manager for Silas Parker's profile)  and ask for his sources.   If none can be provided,  it's reasonable to disconnect Silas from Lt. Zachariah Parker.
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)

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