Hello from Stuttgart, Germany

+25 votes
Hello Wiki-Tree pals,

My name is Roman Büttner and I currently live in Stuttgart, Germany. My family originates from Fulda in the state of Hessen, Germany. My main focus of research has been on the Fulda region but I will be happy to assist anyone with research questions concerning the state of Württemberg or the greater Stuttgart area. I‘m also a professional historian and history teacher so I can be of help if you have questions about German or European history or need documents transcribed or translated.

I started my genealogical research almost 20 years ago and it‘s been one of my favorite things to do.

So, hello to everyone here, from Germany :)
in The Tree House by Roman Büttner G2G Crew (910 points)
I have a lost ancestor from Wurzberg, Germany. Michael Scheurer b.abt 1743. He traveled aboard the Planters Adventure from London to South Carolina after Christian DeStumpel abandoned him and a hundred or so others there in London. DeStumpel promised to take the lot to Nova Scotia to open new land but he stole their money and never took them there. Michael Scheurer and his brother Peter Scheurer traveled to South Carolina and were given land there. Peter was given 150 acres. Bachelors were given 100 acres and married men were given 150 acres. From this I deduce that Michael wasn't married upon arrival. He was only given 100 acres. Michael's wife was named Anna Barbara last name unknown as of yet. The Londoners took up a collection and put the people on boats and called the people Wurzbergers.

Got any info about them?
Hello and welcome Roman,

 Thank you for offering to help us here on Wikitree the more the merrier.

for those who did not really enjoy learning  History in school (mm talking about me)  aww the young minds lol  Grow up to realize its not a boring subject after all. I guess that comes with age in most people. ( mmm talking about me)lol  Glad we have people who are historians and offer to help those who could use it.

 I am in the USA.

I have alot of  Germany family. My problem is my  4 or 5th great grandfather  came over on a ship his brother Joseph  was in the the Hessen Army to fight in the Rev. War  His parents were given money .His name was Joseph Linger ( which  the last name has different spelling) My  great (so On) great grandfather  was hidden in a barrel on that ship by the Capt. and his brother,  Their parents were Wilhem Linger 1730 and  Hester La Plante 1736. .

 Thanks Mary

Hi Mary,

wow! This sounds like a real adventure. I have always been fascinated with the American Revolutionary War and especially the Hessians‘ role in it (who, I feel, were fighting on the wrong side). 

I checked out HETRINA, a fantastic German database whose aim it is to collect any information available about Hessian troops in America. I didn’t find anyone by the name of Linger. However, there is a soldier by the name of Linker. The birth date (1764/65) seems to fit your description, too. He was born in Erksdorf near Marburg in Hessen (about an hour from Frankfurt).

I would be careful to assume this is the one we‘re looking for but it might be a route to consider investigating. Maybe Wilhelm Linger‘s family was from Northern Hesse, the Erksdorf / Marburg region. 

Here is the link to the HETRINA database. They also have an English interface:


Hi Betty,

are you sure the town is called Wurzberg? I think it should be Würzburg in Bavaria that you are looking for. It‘s a nice town with a beautiful architecture but - like so many other places in Europe - it suffered under severe weather in the 18th and 19th centuries, poverty and lack of liberty, which led to lots of Würzburgers emigrating.

Have you tried finding out more about that  Christian DeStumpel guy? It seems to me finding out more about him might provide you with valuable information about the people who were supposed to travel with him.

Thank you for the Bavaria information. I will look into that next. Christian DeStumpel was commissioned to populate Nova Scotia by the Privy Council of Britain. He gathered citizens from various countries via billboard signs. The Nova Scotia land would support 200 families. Six hundred families showed up to gain passage to Nova Scotia. DeStumpel abandoned these people in London.
Hello Roman, I live in Tennessee in the States , my mother was from this area , but my father's family had come from Germany/France in the mid 1700's , they were Luthern's when they came to the States and settled in Pennsylvania but some of them migrated to Ohio . the surname was changed several times so there are various spellings , and i found locations but not sure how accurate the locations are so i was wondering if you could help me ... here is the profiles

Isemann-4    Isenmann-6  Eisenmann-57  

could take a look at the profiles and give me some input on the locations .... also before my ancestors were lutherans they may have been jewish but not sure about that ... thank you in  advance...  janine Isleman-Goodson
Hello Roman,

I am trying to obtain birth and marriage records for my ancestors from Sulzbach am Main, Bavaria. I have birth and marriage dates.

My 2x's great grandfather came over on the bark Meridian in 1862 and settled in Baltimore, Maryland. He met his wife aboard ship. She was from Schweinbach, at least that is what is on her marriage records from the church.  Her passenger index has origin of Laub. I have others from Oberbessenbach, Aschaffenburg. Other places are Strabbessebach. Would all of these records I am looking for be located in Wurzburg, or elsewhere?

My surnames are Kuhn, Eberlein, Fleckenstein, Weigand, Reffel, Reus, Burger,Elch (Eich), Schmelz, Bilz, Gessner and Faith. Kuhn is my father's name and the others are those that married male Kuhn's. I have Wikitree profiles for all of them, just trying to get documented sources for them to add to their profiles.

Would really like to get these records and can pay for them. Just need to know who, where to send money and in what currency to pay. Or, who would I contact to obtain them?

Katrina Kuhn Lunsford
Hello Roman,

Do you have any relatives that immigrated to Minnesota in the USA? On my maternal side I have a Catharina Klinkner b. Feb1861 in Büschfeld, Saarland married to Caspar Buettner Jr. b. 12 Mar 1855 Fayette, Green County, Illinois.  They were married on 20 June 1882 in St. Martin, Stearns County, Minnesota.  

Caspar's parents were Caspar Buettner Sr. and Elisabeth Ziegler. I know Catharina immigrated with her family in 1866 but I don't know about Caspar and his family.
Hi Roman!

There are so many of us with German roots here on Wikitree we can probably keep you busy for the next 10+ years!

I live in Pennsylvania and my husbands family tree usually within 5 or 6 generations everyone is from Germany exception his father we get back to Cork, Ireland.

My family maternal side is mostly German with a little English, and even less Scottish and Irish. My father's side is all Italian so far.

Welcome aboard!
Hi Roman,

I see you already have a lot of comments already and thanks for your post!

About translation, I have some handwritten postcards written in German that a relative received in America, from relatives in Austria mostly. We are hoping to find out what ancestor clues may be there, but some postcards are problematic, mostly because of the handwriting being difficult to read. - If you - or anyone - would like to help translate any of them,  I have posted them on this web page where they are linked by number:

[http://www.bonniefollett.com/genealogy/rothboeck-postcards/translation-notes.html] and number 23 is of the most interest to get translated. But any help would be appreciated!!  Thanks!  Bonnie - I am Follett-757.
Hello Roman:

How wonderful you are willing to help those of us who cannot locate our ancestor's families! I am so appreciative.

I have many ancestors from Wurttemberg and would love to trace some of them if you can be of help. I have them here on WikiTree, so it should be easy to look at them. Here is a list and any help you can provide is wonderful!

1. Balthasar Keßler - Keßler-1679 married Waldburga Renz - Renz-269. They were from Lampertsweiler, Saulgau, Wurttemberg

2. Justina Lampert - Lampert-99

I believe her parents were Michael Lampert - Lampert-100 and Maria Doser - Doser-13 (should have an umlaut over the o) -

I think they were from Lampertsweiler as well.

3. Konrad Bihler - Bihler-19 and Katharina Selig - Selig-221. They had a daughter named Monika - Bihler-10. I believe they were from Wurttemberg as Monika m. Balthasar Kessler - Kessler-1274 who was from Lampertsweiler.

Thank you for any help you can give! I've been searching a long time for these ancestors.

Patty Almond


Hi Bonnie,

here is a transcription and translation of postcard #23 you asked me to look at. Hope this helps.


Wien 25/5. 29

Lieber Bruder!


Ich mache dich nocheinmal aufmerksam die 

Vollmacht sofort, mir zuzusenden; erwarte dieselbe

Ende Juni. Die Vollmacht ist verjährt und muss auch

vom Notar nochmals frisch legalisiert werden und

der Notar von einem österreichischen Amt. Adressiere

die Vollmacht direkt an mich.

In der Erwartung daß diesmal die Sache statt-

geht grüßt dich Dein Bruder Carl


N.S. Ein bisschen entgegen kommen verdiene ich schon

weil ich doch den Hausanteil vollwertig ausbezahlt habe.




Vienna, 25 May 1929


Dear brother,


Once again I would like to remind you to

send me the written proxy immediately; I expect it

by the end of June. The proxy has lapsed and must

also be newly authenticated by a notary and the

notary has to be an Austrian official. Send

the proxy to me directly.

Expecting the matter to be working out this time,
greetings from your brother Carl


P.S.: I think you owe me some courtesy here
because I’ve fully paid off my share of the house.

Thank you so much Roman!! This is very helpful!!
Hello Mr. Buttner, I am interested to see any court records from my probable ancestor Elisabeth Schott, d. June 19, 1611, deemed a witch in Ellwangen witch trials and from Eggenrot. Beheaded and burned! Lovely, right? I understand the archives in Stuttgart hold these records. Can you advise on any public internet access to such records. I had hoped other details of her life would emerge but others have said the data will be lean and confined to the trial facts. Our last recorded ancestors are from Eggenrot back to the late 16th century including in descending order Marthin Schott, Veit Schott (m. Margaretha Schenckh), Johannes Schott (m. Maria Schemler). It would be further fabulous to discover other relations to Marthin and Veit. of course.

I hope to visit Ellwangen with my dad (who is 97) in 2020.

Robert Schott

Cranford, New Jersey USA

10 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Would you be willing to work on some location histories for the German Roots Project?  If so send me a private message and include your direct email  I will send you something I have been working on and would welcome your insight / suggestions / corrections.
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (870k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+8 votes
Hello, Roman Buttner from Stuttgart, Germany. I am from the United States of American. My husbands' paternal side is from Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. They immigrated to the City of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania around 1850s-1860s. Surname - Fieger - many served in the American Civil War (1861-1864) for the Union side. Husband's 4x great-grandfather https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Fieger-25  He volunteered the in 98th Pennsylvania 98th Regiment - made up of mostly German immigrants. Do you have any photos of Baden-Wurttemberg, Waldstetten, Mosbach, Katholisch Germany area around the 1800s or before? Any information about these places?
by Cheryl Givens G2G6 Mach 1 (12.9k points)

Hi Cheryl,

I had some trouble locating Waldstetten, as this is a common town name in German and there are numerous places sharing this name in the state of Württemberg. However, after checking out some books and databases about historical places, I believe this is Waldstetten near Walldürn.

In the mid-19th century Waldstetten (ZIP code 74746 if you want to look it up on Google) belonged to the town of Mosbach (ZIP code 74821) just 25 miles away. Because of land reforms, it’s now under the administration of Walldürn.

Check out this website from the German Society of Computer-Aided Genealogy - they have a listing for Waldstetten (it’s in German but should be self-explanatory):


I‘ll try to locate some historical photos and books about the region for you!

+6 votes
Grüsse aus America!

Ich schreibe in der Hofnumg, für Informationen über den deutschen Zweig  meine Familie zu gewinnen. Leide konnte ich vor ihrer Ankunft id die Vereiningten Staaten bur ein Dokument online finden. Das Dokument ise in einer Datei, Deutschland Geburten unt Taufen, 1558-1898, zu finden. Es ist eine Aufzeichnung det Taufe meines Grossvaters, Hermann Julius Dressler, 06. April 1879, in "evangelisch, Uhingen, Donau Kreis, Würtemberg." Sein Geburtsdatum wird als 19. März 1879, Vate Name, WilhJulius Dressler und Mutte Name Christiane Ankele gezeigt.

Wir glauben, dass mein Urgrossvater, am 03. September 1853 in Schorndorf, geboren wurde.Urgrossmutter wurde in Würtemmberg. geboren, aber wir kennen die Stadt nicht.

Kennen Sie Informationen, die online verfügbar sein könnten, wie zum Beispiel Kirchenbücher fur diese Zeit? Ich bin zirmlich kompetent in Deutsche und hätte kein problem, die Dokumente zu lesen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

David Martin

Hi David,

my response is in English as I feel this information could be relevant to a lot of people here.

The protestant / Lutheran church records are now freely available on the internet. A lot of them are available through Ancestry and I think this is where you got most of your information from. If you need specific information or help with the old German script, let me know. 

As far as Catholic church records are concerned, the Catholic church in Germany is still quite reluctant to publish their documents online. However, some regions have started publishing their indices or even digitizing entire church record collections. Luckily, the state of Württemberg and the church have collaborated digitizing the Catholic records. They are available through


Just navigate your way through the parishes and you will be able to access the digitized documents.

If you don‘t have access to Ancestry, there is also another project to access protestant (!) church records. It‘s officially run by the Protestant Church of Germany in cooperation with the regional Protestant churches. They also have an English interface. Research should be free but I think you may have to register to use the website. They claim to have 20 million records to research from.


I hope this answers your question. Feel free to contact me if you have further questions or requests.

+6 votes
Hello Roman!

Thank you for your offer. I have a number of relatives in Wurttemberg that I have been trying to research for some time. My challenge, is of course, that I would need to be in Germany to find them (and then read Old German or Latin)!

If you are able, I would like to ask for some help with my Grandmother's line which was the Kessler's and the Irmlers near Bad Saulgau. I have been told most records would now be in Stuttgart.

If you might be able to help, please email me at murphycatgirl@yahoo.com and I can provide some specific information.

Again, many thanks for your generous offer!

Patty Almond

by Patty Almond G2G6 Mach 1 (19.0k points)


I have lots of ancestors with the surname: Leykamm who are from Wurttemberg. They mostly congregated around Schwabish Hall in the late 1800's to early 1900's. Could you please tell me what part of Europe that name may have come from, or what website may be available that could give me more information on where they may have migrated from?

Many thanks. Glad you're on board!

Hey John,

Leykamm sounds like a very German name to me indeed. I will check my records to see if I can find anything. In the meantime, you may want to check out the Compgen website (German Society of Computer-Aided Genalogy). They have some superb genealogical databases and - best of all - are free to use.

1. Go to the metasearch on: http://meta.genealogy.net

2. Enter the last name where it says "Nachname" (also consider spelling variations)

3. Enter a place where it says "Ortsname" or skip this for more results.

The metasearch will search the following databases:

GEDBAS (German database of genealogies uploaded by Compgen's users)

Datenbank historischer Adressbücher (historical address and phone books)

Forschungsdatenbanken der Vereine (databases from German genealogical societies)

Online Ortsfamilienbücher (regional genealogies for individual villages, towns and cities)

Volkszahlregister Schleswig Holstein (Schleswig Holstein Census Database)

Grabsteine (German graves / cemeteries)

Deutsche Verlustlisten 1. Weltkrieg (database of German casualties - injured and dead - of World War I)

Grabsteine Ostfriesland (regional graves of Ostfriesland in Northern Germany)

Sterbebilder (obituaries and death cards)

Bremer Passagierlisten (passenger records of Bremen - one of Germany's no. 1 ports of departure for the US)

Auswanderer aus dem Ghzgt. Oldenburg (database of emigrants from Oldenburg)

Daten-Erfassungs-System DES (cross-searches hundreds of databases, historical school records, vehicle registrations etc.)

WGfF Totenzettel (additional obituaries and death cards)

Zufallsfunde (database of random information provided by other genealogists which might be useful for others)
+4 votes

Hello from a Born Texan, visiting Florida for the last 15 years.

My nephew Finn was born in Germany (non-military) about 5 years ago. My nephew and his wife had a wonderful experience for 4 years with Everything in Germany. I just want to say "Thank you".

by M Hilliard G2G6 Mach 2 (23.5k points)
Thank you. I appreciate this very much :)
+3 votes
Hello (und Servus aus Bayern  :-)

Actually I'm Ameican but I've been living in Munich for over 25 years. On occasion I research my German wife's ancestors. I'll certainly get back with you when I come up to a wall.

Schönen Tag

Kirk  :-)
by Kirk Haggerty G2G3 (3.6k points)
+1 vote

Hello, My relatives on my mother side which her surname is Leonard if from Stuttgart, Germany, the state of Württemberg or the greater Stuttgart area. There was surnames of Spach, and Rominger that married into the Leonard, I am Linda Barnett of Barnett-3517

by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (514k points)
+1 vote
Hello Roman,

Welcome, thank you for posting. Your expertise is most needed,  I have a German history question... what is the difference between the kingdom of prussia and the free state of prussia? The more I try to define what and where was considered Germany before 1871 the more confused i seem to end up. Thank you.

My German ancestors migrated to South Australia. They came from Bremen, and Silesia. Another one said he was from Stettin, Pommern on his naturalization records. Now in Poland. It certainly makes research difficult! And do you know if Stettin was considered a city and a state/region/area in the early 1840's?

Glad you have joined us, warm welcome!
by Kylie Haese G2G6 Mach 9 (95.5k points)
+2 votes
Hallo Roman,

danke für dein Angebot und den Lagis-Link über die hessischen Truppen im Unabhängigkeitskrieg. Den Link kannte ich noch nicht, hab ihn mir gleich abgespeichert. Wir im German-Roots-Project können deine Hilfe hier jedenfalls gebrauchen.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Ich dachte das Gleiche! Großartige Gedanken. . .
+2 votes
Willkommen bei Wikitree! Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen.

Zu meiner Familie gehören ein hessischer Soldat, ein schändlicher Mönch und eine Nonne sowie andere aus Hessen, Bayern und Österreich.

Vielen Dank für die Webquellen!
by Kathy Rabenstein G2G6 Pilot (332k points)

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