I saw your post and I thought I could help. If you are needing records Of someone who was born after 1940 and or so close to 1940 that there might not be any records online, I would say it would be best if you went to the courthouse of where he lived and asked where are the public records are kept, Also speak to his friends and family, and wife ---where did she keep family pictures, or records or documents pretaining to his life. Asked her if you can get copies of anything that she has and that you need. I am sure that if you asked her nicely then maybe she will help you. Also offer up a reward and maybe that way she will know you mrsn
I saw your post and I thought I could help. If you are needing any records of someone who was born after 1940, then You will need to go to the courthouse to find out where the public records are kept. and sometimes cities find themselves needing more room so they build another building to put all of the old records in and sometimes they will call this the Archives building. Talk to his family, and talk to his friends to see if anything big happened to him, such maybe he won a grant, or became President of some club, or society. and get the whole picture of him before you go all over town. Sometimes you can go to the local library to look at newspapers to see if anything like maybe some articles that might be written about him, or the Blackstone family. . I do hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything you want me to look up. Thanks, Nancy