The link Rick provides to the DNA Test Connections page is useful and the help page is almost a definitive answer, so if there is no better answer within a day or two I'll vote this top answer.
The help page says "it can take up to 24 hours" this is a bit of a fudge. Computers don't randomly do things, they do batch processes normally on a timed basis, so would be better to change this to "the process of finding DNA Connections runs every X hours". X may very well be 24, but it seems to me it's somewhat more frequent than that.
The help page could also be updated to give some clues as to how to kick start the process if it is seemingly "stuck", i.e. which profile to delete and re-add. Since the process isn't immediate, it's useful to have some clues rather than, poke, hope and wait, then poke, hope and wait again until resolved.
If I try to find that page from the Help menus it's exceedingly hard to find unless you already know the page title, so maybe could be made more obvious..