Which Monthly Meeting would have covered Halifax, North Carolina in 1760s?

+5 votes

Have finally found property records for Sylvanus Stanton in Halifax County, North Carolina for 1768 & 1770. What MM would cover this area in those years? Whether he was Quaker is an unanswered question but the line before and after Sylvanus contains Quakers. I've not yet found him in any Quaker records. One property record also contains what I believe to be the only contemporary source yet found for the name of his wife where it reads "Sylvanus Stanton and wf Dewild (x)". (Unless that means something of which I am unaware.) There are several suggested names for his wife but none are Dewild.

WikiTree profile: Sylvanus Stanton
in Genealogy Help by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (644k points)
TS, I’m interested in these Stantons as I believe they may be related by marriage to my Shepherd line. A Nancy Elizabeth Stanton married my ancestor, Thomas Shepherd in 1782 in Halifax County, Va. Her sister, Susannah, married a Runnion, and whose granddaughter married back into the Shepherd family (another ancestral line. The brother of the two sisters was a John Shelton Stanton. Anything in your records that might give me a lead? Thanks!

The only Elizabeth that easily comes to mind for a 1782 marriage would be Sylvanus' sister Elizabeth Stanton. I have not researched her. The other sisters were Sarah, Lucy and Christiana. There is also Elizabeth Stanton daughter of James Stanton IV who might be a potential but Brent Bowen shows her married to William Ellis. James moved to North Carolina around 1745 with his son James (founders of Stantonsburg, NC) but I do not know if daughter Elizabeth moved with them. Brent might have more research on her than shows on her profile.

This Stanton line appears to descend from John Stanton b 1608 England who arrived 1635 Virginia on the ship George. Primary source documentation still lacking connecting him to his son but that relationship appears correct. In my research I found at least one unrelated line of Stantons in very early Virginia also, it seems, descended from a John who is found on one of the plantations in records well before 1635.  

Have you looked in issues of the quarterly The Southside Virginian? That covered some of my Stanton line and may have others as well. Issues of that periodical can be found online.

Hope this helps a little even if indirectly.  

Lots of excellent leads, TS. I’ll get our cousin group into digging. Many thanks!!
There's an excellent and well-worth reading Master's Thesis by Ashley Humphries on the Quakers of NC 1786-1826 online. It's focused on the migration of the Westfield Quakers of Surry Co, but it encompasses a large area of NC and is full of fascinating detail. It's in pdf format and can be downloaded.

I have Friend ancestors in Cane Creek MM, New Garden MM and the short-lived Pee-Dee MM in Richmond Co NC.  

Thank you so much for the link. A few Pee-Dees in my tree as well. I had found that several of the MMs of NC are not in Hinshaw. Also read today that nearly all early Virginia records were destroyed by fire 1759...probably why I have not found Virginia records on them before they moved to NC. Anyway, 1786 should catch the tail end of what I was after and perhaps provide leads through the following generation.

2 Answers

+4 votes
Hinshaw has a volume on North Carolina, it would be worth taking a look at.  It is often in libraries with a genealogy collection, and it is searchable on Ancestry.
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (732k points)
+4 votes
According to QuakerMeetings.com there are no meetings that were in Halifax County, North Carolina.  In the neighboring counties of Northampton and Martin there are meetings listed.  The lack of a meeting in where he lived might partially explain the skip of religiousity in the family line.  Quakers who lived in areas without meetings were left to worship at home alone, or leave the faith and worship with whatever was available locally.

This is the listing of all the known meetings in North Carolina: https://quakermeetings.com/Plone/search_display?MeetingName=&County=&StateOrProvince=north+carolina&generalSearchWord=

The website I used is fairly good at identifying meetings in a place.  The writeup on each meeting includes things such as dates the meeting was in existence, parent or child meetings, and also what records are extant (and where those records can be found).  It is a valuable resource for anyone researching Quakers.
by Elizabeth Ernst G2G4 (4.6k points)

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