I am needing ways to help find my ancestors.

+5 votes
Hello. I am new to all of this. I have been looking into my mothers side of the family. I can not find anything before my great grandparents Mable Austin (plummer) and James Austin from Ohio circa 1890-1960. I am also on the hunt for my fathers biological family. There name was Monk. All I know is they lived in Illinois when my father was put up for adoption. My mother just informed me today that General Edward Braddock is my great great great great Grandfather.

Edit: My mother just informed me General Braddock was her greatx4 uncle not Grandfather.
in The Tree House by Lisa McGuire G2G Crew (310 points)
edited by Lisa McGuire
I’m not too familiar with how Midwest states kept records such as births, deaths etc and how complete they were. But if it’s only back to the 1890s they should at least show up in the federal census somewhere. Go on to a basic geneology search site like familysearch or ancestry. Play around with the search settings a bit and see if you can find them in the census. Try to use contextual all info to identify them if you’re unsure, like maybe the name of your grandparent as one of their children. Once you find them in the census you’ll get a lot of information on them like where they were born, where their parents were born, etc. From there you’ll have more info with which to narrow down your search. Another tip: look at multiple censuses as each provided slightly different info which could be useful.

Regarding your dad’s family, you need some more information before searching for someone in Illinois named monk. You’ll need to know the first and last names of the people who gave birth to your dad and where they lived to start.
Myrtle Plummer born 1895, daughter of Robert Plummer and Laura Newland, married on August 23 1916 in Hardin Ohio to James T. Austin , son of William Austin and Elmina May
Thank you for the suggestions! As far as my dad's family goes, I dont have his birth parents names. Maybe putting the name out there will help one day.

Eddie King Yes THANKS A TON!! It is myrtle I dont know why I keep sayin mable, maybe thats why I cant find her anywhere smiley

The very wonderful Emma MacBeath leads the Adoption Angels project. Send her a note.


Eddie King thanks! This helps tons!
Eddie King, I have came to a complete stop on my great grandma on my grandmas side. Mary (Merkle?) Born in the 1890s in Port washington Wisconsin. I however can not find anything with her parents names on it. Have any suggestions? I did email the counties record keepers.
Try father Joe Merkle, mother Susan Paulin,
Born November 23 1894. Died August 1985
Sent you documents . Check your email
Eddie King are you god  seriously you're the best. I haven't looked it up yet but I bet you're right. Now next question. I found out my ancestor Almenia Austin is of Charles Glae pedigree descent. What exactly does that mean?
Yes, Charles gale. What does it mean if it says my great great grandma is his pedigree?

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (722k points)
selected by Lisa McGuire
+3 votes
What sources do you use? You can search for your ancestors on familysearch.org or you can also you heritagequest via your local library or your school.

You'll want to pick an ancestor to start with (preferrably a recent one) and find as many sources as possible. Then work forward (or backward) from there.
by Jourdi Cleghorn G2G6 Mach 3 (34.8k points)
I just googled my grandmas obit one day then decided to google her parents and it has lead me into a deep rabbit hole! HAHA! Ok I may go talk to the librarians then! Thank you!
Depending on your library and the librarian, you may or may not get much help. Hopefully you will get a librarian who knows a little more than just what resources they have. A bigger library may have someone wit genealogy knowledge. Another place to try is a lical LDS Family History Center where volunteers can help.
+4 votes

Was your father born in Illinois?  And is he still alive?

If so, he can order a non-certified birth certificate which will have his biological parents’ names.

From the Illinois Dept. of Public Health website:

“Public Act 96-0895, which became effective May 21, 2010, makes it possible for an adult adoptee or surrendered person born in Illinois, who is 21 years or older, to request a non-certified copy of his or her original birth. This act also allows birth parents of adopted or surrendered persons born on or after January 1, 1946, to specify their wishes with regard to contact and to the release of their identifying information.

Request for a Non-Certified Copy of Original Birth Certificate – To find this document, go to FORMS in the right-hand column. This form is to be submitted along with a copy of a valid government issued photo identification (ID) and a check or money order for $15 made payable to Illinois Department of Public Health.”

by Jana Shea G2G6 Mach 3 (38.3k points)
Yes he is still alive as far as I know. We do not have any contact.

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