Jacka One Name Study - Cornwall families

+6 votes

I have started A Jacka One Name Study, with a focus on Cornwall, please join me!

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This is the official launch of the One Name Study for the surname of Jacka in Cornwall. This study is an attempt to identify if and how the Jacka families of Cornwall, England might be related.

Often close proximity and location implies a relationship of some kind either as close or distance kin, but determining what those relationships are is often difficult. It is hoped by conducting this ‘Jacka One Name Study’ we can set out a case for identity of each family and the parentage of each generation and if there are any existing the relationships between the families.

WikiTree profile: Space:Jacka_Name_Study
in Genealogy Help by Sandra Williamson G2G6 Mach 3 (37.6k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
I saw a few Jacka graves in Cornwall when there last month. I will need to check if I photographed any/ many. Will be creating profiles for the cemetery interments I photographed if they don't exist yet so some of these may come in handy for you. I just am not sure what I have on my hardrive yet as I haven't processed all tbe photos yet.
by Lianne Trevarthen G2G6 Mach 4 (47.9k points)

Thanks Lianne, that would be great. We now have 91 profiles in the study thanks to the goodwill of many profile managers.  A lot more work still needing to be done.  Adding images is a great way to make a profile a lot more interesting, cemetery interments also provide a wealth of information as well.  Fingers crossed that there are few Jacka graves in amongst your photos.

I visited St Erth many years ago and didn't even realise there was a  Jacka Tomb in the Church of St Erth which was a Grade II Listed Building in St Erth, Cornwall.

Such a missed opportunity!  

Cheers, Sandra

I hope so too Sandra.

Pity, I was at St Erth as well, and the church was closed, so I didn't get to go inside. And the only photos we got there were of graves in the immediate churchyard, not the one down the road (which I did not realise was there!). I should have been more prepared, but we visited this church as a bit of an afterthought. All good reason to plan to go back again in the future! (could be a couple of years though)

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