Newbie Question

+10 votes
I am new to WT and so far I've mainly used the site for research. However, I intend to start adding profiles and at some point I think I'll have quite a few (500?). Basically I'm abandoning a pay site and switching over to Wikitree. It's a great site!

However, I have one question about your forum. I often see members post a question or a photo and within an hour someone has clicked on a response as "Best Answer." When I see that I think that there's not much point in responding myself. Do others feel that way too? Perhaps it would be better to have the question/photo up for awhile before declaring the first answer as "best answer."
in The Tree House by Craig Waters G2G Crew (830 points)
retagged by Julie Ricketts
I believe many WikiTreers agree with your statement regarding the presence of a selected Best Answer (that it effectively curtails further discussion) on a G2G question. Just as many, if not more, WikiTreers don't view the Best Answer choice that way, though. We probably have as many different opinions on various WikiTree issues as we have members, so just let your own beliefs be your guide!

Welcome to WikiTree, Craig!
Hi, Craig!

And welcome! WikiTree certainly is a great site. :-)

I added a few tags to your post to bring a few more people to respond.

I agree w/ Herbert that the Best Answer is subjective, and it will often change as more answers are added to a post. Please don't let the presence of a Best Answer discourage you from posting your own. It's always good to have additional perspectives.

2 Answers

+18 votes

Hi Craig and welcome!

Best Answer is one person's judgment of the answer's quality.  Anyone can choose a different Best Answer at any time.  I think anyone can uncheck the star at any time, too.  If you have something to contribute, please don't let the Best Answer deter you.

Here was an extended discussion about it, from a few days ago:

by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (787k points)
+9 votes
As Herbert said, the best answer is just one persons opinion. You are free to ignore it and provide your own response.

I do think that really, the OP should be the only person who can choose their own best answer.

The WT software does not currently allow for that though...
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

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