CHRISTOPHER had 3 sisters TERESA,CHRISDINA & BRIDGET & 2 brothers JOHN & PATRICK. They're maybe more

+3 votes
WikiTree profile: Christopher Carroll
in Genealogy Help by Living Carroll G2G6 (6.2k points)
Hi Tony,

Do  you have a question?
Ahhh,  perhaps related to the question you posted earlier.....   You might want to edit that question to include this information and then close this question....... unless I'm missing your goal!
It actually carries on from a previous question


I noticed you've posted questions about Christopher Carroll profile on four different occasions, but you haven't posted any of the sources people provided for you on the July 17th question.   I understand that you want to continue with the research,  but if you want help from others you need to post the sources  that are known already.      This will help people give you additional guidance.   Your approach might make us go cross-eyed and give up.

Please post any sources others provided earlier on Christopher's profile,  add the additional information  you provided in this question to the question you posted just before it by editing that question,  and close this question.

This will greatly assist anyone trying to give you additional help.

1 Answer

+2 votes
I don't know what you mean by sources. The information I have stated was given to me by my aunt & uncle.

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