I used FamilyTree DNA to start my DNA family search and my husband has done it also. I need to work it more.

+3 votes
in The Tree House by Laura Worsham G2G1 (1.9k points)
is there a question in here somewhere?
My question is - I have one male cousin who did DNA on My Heritage so how can I get it downloaded onto WikiTree?  

Thanks Dennis for redirecting me.  I would also like to join this group.
In case it hasn't been made completely clear, there's a subtle distinction to be made.

WikiTree does not have raw DNA information of any kind. Instead, it has a symbiotic relationship with a free web site called GEDmatch.com, which DOES have a DNA database, and the tools to make use of it.

A given DNA test uploaded to GEDmatch is given a unique ID number, called a "kit number". This number is, of course, all-important. You add that kit number to the WikiTree profile of the person who was tested (with permission, and in accordace with privacy rules).

So WikiTree has REFERENCES TO the DNA data in a DNA database, but does not keep the data here itself. These references tell fellow WikiTree users who might be related to you that there's a test that they may be able to match against (on GEDmatch), and then use the results in DNA confirmation here (on WikiTree).

In collaboration with WikiTree, GEDmatch.com also makes the WikiTree pedigree for the test-taker available for view, right from the GEDmatch site. When you pull up your "one-to-many" matches on GEDmatch, there a column where you can click on links to either GED trees or WikiTree trees. It takes up to about 24 hours for that to appear, after a GEDmatch Kit number is added to a WikiTree profile.

Like I said - it's a sort of symbiotic relationship. WikiTree references GEDmatch; GEDmatch gets your pedigree info from WikiTree.
Too it is a good idea to make a free account at MyHeritage and upload your dna file from FTDNA so that you can find out what matches you have with folks who have taken the MyHeritage DNA test but did not upload to gedmatch.  They have some neat dna tools you can use to look at your matches as well as their own interpitation of your ethnicity results.  All for free!
Thank you, Frank, very belatedly for your great guidance and support.  I so appreciate this and am working on it!!  Hope you have a great weekend.
Thank you, Erik, belatedly for this great guidance and support.  I am working on the follow through with this and I appreciate your thoughts and help.  Hope you have a great weekend.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hello Laura,

Have your male cousin upload his MyHeritageDNA results to GEDmatch.com.  Connect him to your shared ancestry in WikiTree.  Then add his GEDmatch ID to his DNA Tests page in WikiTree.

If you want to compare with him then have FamilyTreeDNA run an autosomal DNA test (called Family Finder) on your DNA in storage. Then upload your Family Finder results to GEDmatch and add your GEDmatch ID to your DNA Tests page in WikiTree.

The Family Finder test is currently on sale at FamilyTreeDNA.

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (741k points)
A belated but much appreciated thank you for your answer and guidance, Peter, and I am working on doing what your suggested.  Thank you again and hope you have a great weekend.

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