This one clearly needs help

+11 votes
This profile is only one of many with serious problems. First, he has the wrong father. This is clear from the name (a really handy way of checking these relationships). If his name is Snaersson then his father has to be called Snaer.  It would really help if managers of these sorts of profiles would check that the father at least looks okay and detach if not. He has two wives (one is ppp) with the same unusual given name, neither has family. A merge has just been postponed because the dates don't fit. These dates are all just guestimates but need to remain to keep pre-1500 protection and will continue to generate the dreaded suggestions. Need to identify the saga it is from as serious genealogists don't count these people. I chose this profile to comment on as it has three active managers so we could get this done. Sadly there are lots more like it.
WikiTree profile: Þorri Snærsson
in Genealogy Help by C. Mackinnon G2G6 Pilot (352k points)
CK, we all understand you frustration, but remember that before WikiTree controlled gedcom uploads, a lot of stuff went in that had absolutely no basis in fact, just internet copying. Fortunately for the Tree, we’ve got people, like you, who persevere, wading through the mess others have created. And we are appreciative! So, hang in there! And.... THANKS!
Snaersson isn't even grammatical. It should be Snæsson. But I think anybody with any sense knows that this is mythological anyway.

5 Answers

+10 votes
Thank you for persevering with these, I know they are not easy and I have a bit of extra time over the next few weeks to give you some assistance.

I have a copy of Orkneyinga Saga somewhere so will dig that out over the weekend. I think one of the Wikipedia articles mentioned that some of the genealogy is in there.

I know there are discrepancies from one saga to the next, but I think we choose one version to follow and note any discrepancies in the biography.
by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (648k points)
edited by John Atkinson
+10 votes
As for the "wife" Ikutiera Google tells me that she is all over the Net in family trees, as a princess from Finland.

According to Finnish Wikipedia the name is Iku-Tiera Nieranpoika - HE is one of Lemminkäinens warriors from Kalevala. The name is Tiera (with many variants) and the prefix Iku- seems to mean something like "eternally honoured".

(I have just used Google translate).
So as a princess Ikutiera isn't even myth, but a distortion of a myth.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (601k points)
+9 votes
I think you need to check the story of Snaer (Snow) son of Jokull (ice/glacier) as a start

The wife's name, Iku-Tiera, might be a male name belonging in the Kalevala
by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
+4 votes
I did some work on the biography, the family members should also be worked on and then disconnected. However, I do not have the amount of time to do that right now, have a heavy workload for another week or so.

Did nothing to the last names as it seems that another discussion about that is going on in another thread. Changed country to "Scandinavia" since we don't really know where this mythological person is supposed to have been born.

I'm starting to wonder if there should be a new project started that could take care of the Scandinavian profiles before the year 900 (or somewhere near). Clearly, none of the original creators of this profile has had enough interest to actually do any work on the profile. Then the project could be made manager and those who actually have interest could be part of the project.
by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
edited by Maggie Andersson
Strictly speaking, according to the sagas he's not even human, but a Jotun :)

I'd love to see a Saga project (which is what you suggest would be). It'd be so much nicer to see them all laid out in a way that acknowledged them as more or less mythical (some more, some less), instead of the current hodgepodge with a billion names, all kinds of random patronymics in what looks more like a desperate LNAB rush, and up to 16 profile managers for each mess!
Well, I thought it might not just be about the sagas.

More like a project for the Scandinavian area before the actual countries existed. Sweden as an example is said to become "Sweden" when Olof Skötkonung ruled, abt 995-1022.

The same thing with Denmark, the Jelling runestone (called Denmark's birth certificate) was raised sometime 960-985.

The period of time before 950-1000 with all the sagas, legends and vikings is a period where I think the Nordic projects could work together.
I think we have the same/similar thing in mind, really.
+2 votes


Your efforts and contributions are appreciated.  I encourage you to take one day at a time.  Pick a profile work start to finish then move on.  That's all you can do.  WikiTree is lucky to have you catch these things.  Good luck and Happy WikiTree Exploring!  :)smiley 

~Paula Ann

by Paula Reinke G2G6 Pilot (106k points)

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