I need help with creating a Cemetery Category please.

+8 votes
I seem to find a new cemetery in Stonington, Connecticut every month that is not on the cemeteries list. This month is is "Industrial Cemetery also known as Mason Cemetery" and is #18 in the Hale Collection for Stonington. It's located at 13-17 Avery Street, Stonington, New London, Connecticut.

I don't know what name to use...my thinking was Industrial/Mason #18, however I suspect the "/" in the name might cause a problem. I'm hoping someone from the Project can help me out with this one.
in WikiTree Help by T Counce G2G6 Mach 7 (75.9k points)

2 Answers

+11 votes


The best name would be the one that is listed for the cemetery - in business listings, on the web, the sign at the gate.  You can then always add notes for the AKA names.

In doing that search, it looks like Industrial Cemetery is the one to go with and I set up the category for you:

[[Category: Industrial Cemetery, Stonington, Connecticut]]

Hope that helps!

by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
I kind of liked what Natalie suggested but I will go with what you created. Thank you.
+7 votes

Please never use special characters in category names, only commas, parenthesis, or a regular hyphen. If you need a number sign, please use "No" or "Nr" instead or the pound sign. 

Ok, that said, let's see what we have. I looked at Find A Grave for a photo of any signage and there is nothing but a description there.  The Hale Collection number is probably not necessary, but it does get used, as in this:York Cemetery, North Stonington, Connecticut  There are a number of cemetery categories in the New London County category named with the Hale collection number, so perhaps that is preferred.

This cemetery would be [[Category:Industrial Cemetery 18, Stonington, Connecticut]]  with the parent categories of [[Category:New London County, Connecticut, Cemeteries]] and [[Category:Stonington, Connecticut]]. Put the aka somewhere in the category description so people will notice.

You should add that brief description, so anyone looking for it will know it's the right cemetery. Your description is brief, which is perfect.

You could also PM Elizabeth Winter who is the lead for Connecticut in the US cemetery project and ask for her advice. (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Winter-1935)

by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
edited by Natalie Trott
Looks like Sheryl already created one, so I'll use that. I'll look to see what I can do for the rest of what you said Natalie. Thank you.

I think Natalie's answer and mine crossed in cyberspace so didn't see it.

Since you like what she had, I edited the category to the name she suggested and you can see it on the profile:


Thank you Sheryl! I just liked it better because if someone referred to it as Cemetery #18 without a name, or Mason Cemetery #18 it gives a clue in the category that it's the right one, then a person can click on the name in the New London County List and confirm that it is also Industrial Cemetery. Hopefully that makes sense. Basically, that's what I do. I look at the names, look for something that gives me a hint, click on that name and see if it's the same cemetery I'm looking for. I think it depends on who transcribed the Hale Collection as to how they are listed (Mystic's cemeteries are fun...some just a number, until you go to FindAGrave. Found that out when I asked a Facebook Friend if he had any photos from a particular cemetery by the number that was listed...it took 8 people to figure out which one it was).
I totally understand.  I was writing and sending my response so didn't see Natalie's until after - I agree that is a great tip to identify from a list what might be the one you are looking for.  Learn something new every day on WikiTree!

I copy and pasted your description from your post above to the category, and feel free to edit it.

Let us know if you need anything else.

Have a great weekend.
The description looked awesome (just as it appears on FindAGrave, where I copied and pasted it from), so no need to edit it. Thank you again! I hope you have a great weekend, too!
Copyrighted info shouldn't be copied directly to Wikitree so you might want to revise it.
I don't think anyone can copyright a physical address, which is all that was copy and pasted, though I can add the United States Post Office as a reference if you think it's necessary. (I don't mean that to sound snarky, though I'm sure it's coming across that way).
The rest of what it says was my wording, I'm sorry, I should have been specific about what I copy and pasted.
Not snarky - it is fine as is - I just got nervous when you said you copied something directly from FindAGrave - it looks/sounds like you didn't so all is well.
If I copy and paste something copyrighted, I always give credit, as while it is required when one has permission, it's also just respectful.

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